changeset 2348:61bcdb86b026

Added 2014OC dir
author MURAKAMI Masaki <>
date Thu, 31 Jul 2014 16:09:51 +0900
parents b1e9131394f5
children f928c5a062cb
files 2014OC/.htaccess 2014OC/Bingo.css 2014OC/Bingo.rb 2014OC/account.html 2014OC/accountcheck.rb 2014OC/admin/.htaccess 2014OC/admin/.htpasswd 2014OC/admin/drawLots.html 2014OC/admin/drawLots.rb 2014OC/admin/monitor.rb 2014OC/admin/operation.html 2014OC/admin/operation.rb 2014OC/magic.rb 2014OC/png/bottom.png 2014OC/png/bun.png 2014OC/png/dai.png 2014OC/png/eki.png 2014OC/png/gaku.png 2014OC/png/hoku.png 2014OC/png/ka.png 2014OC/png/kamo.png 2014OC/png/ko.png 2014OC/png/madousiB1.png 2014OC/png/madousiB2.png 2014OC/png/madousiB3.png 2014OC/png/madousiB4.png 2014OC/png/madousiB5.png 2014OC/png/madousiB6.png 2014OC/png/madousiB7.png 2014OC/png/madousiG1.png 2014OC/png/madousiG2.png 2014OC/png/madousiG3.png 2014OC/png/madousiG4.png 2014OC/png/madousiG5.png 2014OC/png/madousiG6.png 2014OC/png/madousiG7.png 2014OC/png/murakamibot.png 2014OC/png/sensiB1.png 2014OC/png/sensiB2.png 2014OC/png/sensiB3.png 2014OC/png/sensiB4.png 2014OC/png/sensiB5.png 2014OC/png/sensiB6.png 2014OC/png/sensiB7.png 2014OC/png/sensiG1.png 2014OC/png/sensiG2.png 2014OC/png/sensiG3.png 2014OC/png/sensiG4.png 2014OC/png/sensiG5.png 2014OC/png/sensiG6.png 2014OC/png/sensiG7.png 2014OC/png/thiefB1.png 2014OC/png/thiefB2.png 2014OC/png/thiefB3.png 2014OC/png/thiefB4.png 2014OC/png/thiefB5.png 2014OC/png/thiefB7.png 2014OC/png/thiefG1.png 2014OC/png/thiefG2.png 2014OC/png/thiefG3.png 2014OC/png/thiefG4.png 2014OC/png/thiefG5.png 2014OC/png/thiefG6.png 2014OC/png/thiefG7.png 2014OC/png/to.png 2014OC/png/top.png 2014OC/png/yumiB1.png 2014OC/png/yumiB2.png 2014OC/png/yumiB3.png 2014OC/png/yumiB4.png 2014OC/png/yumiB5.png 2014OC/png/yumiB6.png 2014OC/png/yumiB7.png 2014OC/png/yumiG1.png 2014OC/png/yumiG2.png 2014OC/png/yumiG3.png 2014OC/png/yumiG4.png 2014OC/png/yumiG5.png 2014OC/png/yumiG6.png 2014OC/png/yumiG7.png 2014OC/sql/.htaccess 2014OC/sub.rb minato2014/account.html minato2014/account2.html minato2014/sql/.htaccess
diffstat 85 files changed, 988 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/.htaccess	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+AddHandler cgi-script   .rb
+AddType	"text/html; charset=UTF-8" .rb
+AddType	"text/html; charset=UTF-8" .html
+Options +ExecCGI
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/Bingo.css	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+html,body {
+	  width: 100%;
+	  height: 100%;
+	width: 800px;
+	height: 1240px;
+	margin-left: auto;
+	margin-right: auto;
+	padding: 0 auto;
+	}
+	background: #136cf9;
+	background-image: url("png/top.png");
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: thin solid #136cf9;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 180px;
+	margin-top:0 auto;
+	margin-bottom:0 auto;
+	margin-left: auto;
+	margin-right: auto;
+p,h3 {
+	margin:0;
+	padding-left: 5%;
+	font-weight: 900;
+	height: 5%;
+	width: 95%;
+	border: thin solid #136cf9;
+	border: thin solid #1d38ff;
+	background: #1d38ff;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 45%;
+	margin-left: auto;
+	margin-right: auto;
+table {
+	background: white;
+	margin-left: auto;
+	margin-right: auto;
+	margin-top: 1%;
+	margin-bottom: auto;
+	background: #45e2fe;
+	background-image: url("png/bottom.png");
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	background-position: center bottom;
+	border:thin solid #45e2fe;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 150px;
+	margin-left: auto;
+	margin-right: auto;
+div.bottom img {
+	   float: left;
+	   margin-left: 15%;
+div.charSTATUS {
+	   clear: right;
+	   margin-top: 7%;
+	   background: rgba(255,255,255,0.75);
+	   width: 70%;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/Bingo.rb	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+require 'sqlite3'
+require 'cgi'
+require 'date'
+require './sub.rb'
+require 'net/http'
+c = => "html5", :accept_charest => "UTF-8")
+db ="sql/test.sq3")
+id = c.cookies["id"][0].to_i
+magic = c.cookies["magic"][0].to_i
+err = 0                         # 不正な動きであれば負の値になる
+sidesize = 3
+message = "はりきって行きましょう!<br>"                    # ビンゴ用テキスト
+print("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 \n\n")
+getcom = ARGV[0]
+del = 'DELETE FROM main WHERE id=?'
+if getcom == 'ududlrlrba'
+  db.execute(del, id)
+##### CHECKING UID #####
+sql = "SELECT stamp_status, stamp_img, name, job, sex, exp FROM main WHERE id=? AND magic=?"
+  user_data = db.execute(sql, id, magic)
+  user_data = []
+if user_data == []              # ログインエラー(-1)
+  err -= 1
+if err == -1
+  print'
+        "">
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2.5;">
+<p> ログインに失敗しました。 </p>
+* 3秒経っても移動しない場合は<a href="account.html">こちら</a>から移動して下さい。
+  exit
+# stamp status
+stamp_st = user_data[0][0]
+stamp_st = stamp_st.split(//)   # 一文字ずつ分けて配列にする
+stamp_st = {|s| s.to_i} # 配列内の文字列を数列になおす
+# stamp img
+stamp_img = user_data[0][1]     
+stamp_img = stamp_img.split(",") # 文字列を","で区切って配列にする
+##### STAMPPING #####
+### Making randam number ###
+def taiou(sidesize)
+  srand(123456789)
+  stamp ="n")
+  stamp_name = ["kamo", "ko", "eki", "bun", "ka", "dai", "gaku", "to", "hoku"]
+  (sidesize**2).times do |n|
+    stamp[rand(10000000)] = stamp_name[n]
+  end
+  stamp
+##### Checking bingo method #####
+def bingocheck(start, sidesize, stepon, stamp, decision, bingo)
+  nbox = []
+  setbox =
+  if sidesize == stepon
+    x = sidesize
+  else
+    x = 1
+  end
+  x.times do |m|
+    start.step(sidesize*sidesize - 1, stepon) do |n|
+      nbox << n + m
+      if nbox.length == sidesize
+        dbox =     # next bingo or reach numbers(bingoed -> nothing)
+        for i in nbox
+          if stamp[i] == 0
+            dbox << i
+          end
+        end
+        # sidesizeにdecisionの値を加えることで、ビンゴ、次ビンゴ、リーチをそれぞれdecisionに0,1,2を加えることで表現。
+        if dbox.length == decision 
+          setbox[dbox] = nbox
+          bingo << setbox
+          setbox =
+          nbox = []
+        else
+          nbox = []
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+# bingo[{[ビンゴまたはリーチに必要な番号] => [ビンゴまたはリーチのラインを形成する番号]}]
+### Checking Access Cord(AC) ###
+getAC = ARGV[0].to_i            # URL?以降の引数を取得
+rightAC = taiou(sidesize)       # taiouで生成したACのハッシュ
+#p rightAC
+rightAC = rightAC[getAC]        # ACが正しければスタンプ名が入り、異なる場合はn
+##### ACCESS LOG #####
+t =
+time = (t.hour * 3600) + (t.min * 60) + t.sec
+## Checking sql_master table. If sqlite_master don't have tablename, it create.
+sql_master = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='logs';"
+check_master = db.execute(sql_master)
+sql_logs = 'CREATE TABLE logs(
+ac TEXT,
+time INTEGER);
+if check_master == []
+  db.execute(sql_logs)
+  get_log = 'SELECT ac, time FROM logs WHERE uid=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM logs WHERE uid=?);' # ユーザーの最新のログ情報を取得
+  log_check = db.execute(get_log, id)
+  log = 'INSERT INTO logs(uid, ac, time) VALUES(?, ?, ?)'
+  db.execute(log, id, rightAC, time)
+# /* memo: 再度同じようなシステムを作る際はスタンプ用のテーブルがほしい。 */ #
+### ビンゴしたラインを判定(decision = 0) ###
+bingo = []
+# 横
+bingocheck(0, sidesize, 1, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+# 縦
+bingocheck(0, sidesize, sidesize, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+# 左斜め
+bingocheck(0, sidesize, sidesize+1, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+# 右斜め
+bingocheck(sidesize-1, sidesize, sidesize-1, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+bingo = bingo.length            # ビンゴの数
+last_bingo = bingo
+if rightAC != "n"               # rightACが正しければ
+  ### Update Stamp_status And Stamp_img ###
+  # Replacing Image #
+  index_st = []
+  stamp_st.length.times { |c|
+    if stamp_st[c] == 0
+      index_st << c
+    end
+  }
+  ### リーチ(decision = 1)# [{[ビンゴの番号] => [リーチを構成する数]}]
+  reach = []
+  # 横 
+  bingocheck(0, sidesize, 1, stamp_st, 1, reach)
+  # 縦
+  bingocheck(0, sidesize, sidesize, stamp_st, 1, reach)
+  # 左斜め
+  bingocheck(0, sidesize, sidesize+1, stamp_st, 1, reach)
+  # 右斜め
+  bingocheck(sidesize-1, sidesize, sidesize-1, stamp_st, 1, reach)
+  #######
+  begin
+    reach = reach[0].flatten(2)[0] # ビンゴの番号のみ抽出
+  rescue
+    reach = []
+  end
+    ### ビンゴしたラインを判定(decision = 0) ###
+  bingo = []
+  # 横
+  bingocheck(0, sidesize, 1, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+  # 縦
+  bingocheck(0, sidesize, sidesize, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+  # 左斜め
+  bingocheck(0, sidesize, sidesize+1, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+  # 右斜め
+  bingocheck(sidesize-1, sidesize, sidesize-1, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+  #######
+  bingo = bingo.length            # ビンゴの数
+  # Updating stamp_st #  
+  if stamp_img.include?(rightAC) == true          # 既に同名のスタンプが入っていたら
+    if stamp_st[stamp_img.index(rightAC)] < 9
+      stamp_st[stamp_img.index(rightAC)] += 1       # 対応するスタンプの位置に1足す
+      message = "スタンプカウントが「1」増えました!(スタンプカウントは「9」が上限です)"
+    else
+      message="スタンプカウントMAX!!(※これ以上このスタンプのカウントは増えません)"
+    end
+  else
+    if reach != [] && bingo == 0       # はじめのビンゴは必ず3回で完成
+      stamp_st[reach] += 1# ビンゴになる数字を代入
+      stamp_img[reach] = rightAC
+      message = "新しいスタンプをGETしました!" # Top message
+    else
+      randam_number = index_st[rand(index_st.length)] # スタンプの入っていない個所のなかからランダムにひとつ選ぶ
+      stamp_st[randam_number] += 1                  # 選ばれた個所に1足す
+      stamp_img[randam_number] = rightAC # stamp_stと同じ個所にstamp_imgにスタンプの名前を代入
+      message = "新しいスタンプをGETしました!" # Top message
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  ### ビンゴしたラインを判定(decision = 0) ###
+  bingo = []
+  # 横
+  bingocheck(0, sidesize, 1, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+  # 縦
+  bingocheck(0, sidesize, sidesize, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+  # 左斜め
+  bingocheck(0, sidesize, sidesize+1, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+  # 右斜め
+  bingocheck(sidesize-1, sidesize, sidesize-1, stamp_st, 0, bingo)
+  #######
+  bingo = bingo.length            # ビンゴの数
+  ##
+  # Convert to string # 
+  stamp_st_string = stamp_st.join
+  stamp_img_string = stamp_img.join(",")
+  ##
+  sql_update = "UPDATE main SET stamp_status=?, stamp_img=? WHERE id=?;"
+  db.execute(sql_update, stamp_st_string, stamp_img_string, id)
+##### HTML #####
+        "">
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Bingo.css">
+### TOP ###
+sql_rank = 'select rank from main where id=?;'
+rank = db.execute(sql_rank, id).flatten(2)[0].to_i
+<div class="outflam">
+if rank > 0
+  print'<div class="top" style="background: red;">'
+  print'<div class="top">'
+# - ビンゴステータス処理 - #
+if rank > 0
+  printf("<h1>おめでとうございます!!<br>☆ %d等 ☆が当選しました!!</h1>", rank)
+  # print'<p>抽選は終了しましたが、引続きゆる☆スタをお楽しみ下さい!!</p>'
+# End of top 
+# Top message #
+bc = bingo.to_i - last_bingo.to_i
+if bc > 0
+  message += '<br>おめでとう!' + bc.to_s
+  message += 'ビンゴ揃いました!!<br>'
+if rank > 0
+  printf("<p style=\"background:red; color:white;\">%sおめでとうございます!☆ %d等 ☆が当選しました!!</p>", message, rank)
+  printf("<p style=\"background:#136cf9;\">%s</p>", message)
+### CENTER ###
+<div class="center">
+<table border=1>
+for i in 0..2
+  print'<tr>'
+  3.times do |n|
+    if stamp_st[3*i+n].to_i > 0
+      printf("<td width=170 height=170><img src=\"png/%s.png\" alt=\"stamped\" width=\"160\" height=\"160\"><span style=\"color: green; font-weight: 900;\">%d</span></td>\n", stamp_img[3*i+n], stamp_st[3*i+n])
+    else
+      print"<td width=170 height=170></td>\n" 
+    end
+  end
+  print'<tr>'
+# End of center 
+### BOTTOM ###
+<div class="bottom">
+# - RPGの表示 - #
+name = user_data[0][2]
+job = user_data[0][3]
+sex = user_data[0][4]
+exp = user_data[0][5]
+sum_sql = 'SELECT SUM(exp)  FROM main  WHERE rank=0;'
+sumexp = db.execute(sum_sql).flatten(2)[0]
+stamp = stamp_st.inject(:+)                 # 配列内の値を全て足す
+charST = rpg(job, sex, stamp, bingo, sumexp)      # ユーザーのキャラクタステータス
+update_exp = 'UPDATE main SET exp=? WHERE id=?;'
+db.execute(update_exp, charST[2], id)
+sum_sql = 'SELECT SUM(exp) FROM main WHERE rank=0;'
+sumexp = db.execute(sum_sql).flatten(2)[0]
+stamp = stamp_st.inject(:+)                 # 配列内の値を全て足す
+charST = rpg(job, sex, stamp, bingo, sumexp)      # ユーザーのキャラクタステータス
+<!-- キャラクターイメージの設定 -->
+<div class=\"charIMG\">
+<img src=\"png/%s.png\">
+<div class=\"charSTATUS\">
+あなたのLv: %d / 全員のLv: %d<br>
+当選確率: %3.3f \%
+", charST[0], id-1,  name, charST[2],sumexp , charST[1])
+# End of bottom
+# End of outflam
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/account.html	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+	"">
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css">
+<form method="POST" action="./accountcheck.rb">
+<p>名前:<input name="name" type="text">(ニックネーム)</p>
+<p>生別:<select name="sex">
+	 <option value="B">男
+	 <option value="G">女
+	 </select></p>
+<p>年代:<select name="age">
+	 <option>10代
+	 <option>20代
+	 <option>30代
+	 <option>40代
+	 <option>50代
+	 <option>60代以上
+	</select></p>
+<p>出身地:<select name="aria">
+	 <option>酒田市内
+	 <option>山形県内 
+	 <option>県外 
+	 </select></p>
+<p>ジョブ:<select name="job">
+	   <option value="sensi">戦士
+	   <option value="madousi">魔法使い
+	   <option value="yumi">弓使い
+	   <option value="thief">盗賊
+	</select></p>
+<input type="submit" value="OK"><br>
+<img src="rain.png" width="" height="画像の高さ" alt="代替テキスト">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/accountcheck.rb	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+require 'sqlite3'
+require 'cgi'
+require './magic.rb'
+c = => "html5", :accept_charest => "UTF-8")
+db ="sql/test.sq3")
+  result = db.execute("select * from main;")
+  max = "select max(id) from main;"
+  db.execute("create table main(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,name,sex,age,aria,job,stamp_status,stamp_img,exp INTEGER,rank INTEGER,magic)");
+  db.execute("insert into main(name,sex,age,aria,job,stamp_status,stamp_img,exp,rank,magic) values('名前','性別','年代','住所','職業','スタンプ状況','スタンプ画像','レベル','当選順位','本人確認用')");
+  result = db.execute("select * from main;")
+  max = "select max(id) from main;"
+id = c.cookies["id"][0]
+c_magic = c.cookies["magic"][0]
+name = c["name"]
+job  = c["job"]
+age  = c["age"]
+sex  = c["sex"]
+aria = c["aria"]
+sel = 'select * from main where id=? AND magic=?'
+h = db.execute(sel, id.to_i, c_magic.to_i)
+h == []
+if id != nil && h != []
+update = 'update main set name=?, job=?, age=?, sex=?, aria=? where id=? and magic=?'
+mg = c_magic
+db.execute(update, name, job, age, sex, aria, id.to_i, mg.to_i)
+code = magic()
+id = db.execute(max).flatten(2)[0].to_i + 1
+mg = code[id]
+sql = "insert into main(name,sex,age,aria,job,stamp_status,stamp_img,exp,rank,magic) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"
+db.execute(sql,name,sex,age,aria,job,'000010000','n,n,n,n,kamo,n,n,n,n',0,0,mg); #初期値
+expires = "Mon, 28 Jul 2014 23:00:00 GMT"
+printf("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
+Set-Cookie:id=%s ;expires=%s
+print'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
+<title>Registering Account</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css">
+<p><a href="Bingo.rb"> >> Let\'s go to Stamp Rally << </a></p>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/admin/.htaccess	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+AddHandler cgi-script   .rb
+AddType	"text/html; charset=utf-8" .rb
+AddType	"text/html; charset=utf-8" .html
+Options +ExecCGI
+AuthUserFile /home/www/skip/minato2014/admin/.htpasswd
+AuthGroupFile /dev/null
+AuthName "ǧڥ"
+AuthType Basic
+require valid-user
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/admin/.htpasswd	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/admin/drawLots.html	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+	"">
+<title>Database delete</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css">
+<form method="POST" action="./chusen.rb">
+はい<input type="radio" name="check" value="OK"> 
+いいえ<input type="radio" name="check" value="NO">
+<input type="submit" value="抽選">
+<input type="reset" value="リセット">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/admin/drawLots.rb	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+require 'sqlite3'
+require 'cgi'
+require 'date'
+c = => "html5", :accept_charest => "UTF-8")
+db ="../sql/stamp.sq3")
+if /^(172\.19\.5\.|172\.17\.54\.|172\.21\.90\.)|| =~ add
+check = c['check']
+printf("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n")
+sum = 'SELECT SUM(rank) FROM main WHERE NOT id=1;'
+rank_sum = db.execute(sum).flatten(2)[0].to_i
+t =
+expires = Time.local(2014, 7, 26, 11, 27)
+expires2 = Time.local(2014, 7, 26, 13, 27)
+if t > expires && rank_sum == 0
+elsif t > expires2 && rank_sum == 7
+  check = ""
+  puts check
+if check == "OK"
+  begin
+    result = db.execute("select id,exp,rank from main;")
+  rescue
+    exit
+  end
+  all =
+  for id,lv,rank in result
+    if id == 1 || lv == 0 || rank.to_i != 0
+      next
+    end
+    lv.to_i.times do
+      all << id
+    end
+  end
+  tousen =
+  atari1 = rand(all.length)
+  tousen << all[atari1]
+  all.delete_if {|x| x == tousen[0]}
+  sql = "update main set rank = 1 where id = ?;"
+  db.execute(sql,tousen[0])
+  sql = "update main set rank = 2 where id = ?;"
+  while tousen.length < 4
+    srand
+    atari2 = rand(all.length)
+    hoge = all[atari2]
+    tousen << all[atari2]
+    all.delete_if {|x| x == hoge}
+    db.execute(sql,hoge)
+  end
+  i=0
+  printf("<p>1等はIDが%04dの方!おめでとー!</p>\n",tousen[i].to_i-1)
+  printf("<p>2等はIDが%04dと%04dと%04dの方!おめでとー!</p>\n",tousen[i+=1].to_i-1,tousen[i+=1].to_i-1,tousen[i+=1].to_i-1)
+  print"<p>抽選はまだ行いませんよ</p>\n"
+  printf("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n")
+  printf'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "
+<title>Delete table</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/admin/monitor.rb	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+db ="../sql/stamp.sq3")
+c = => "UTF-8")
+if /^(172\.19\.5\.|172\.17\.54\.|172\.21\.90\.)|| =~ add
+#rank = c["rank"]
+flag = 0
+text = "<p>登録者一覧を表示します</p>\n"
+#  if rank == "y"
+#    rank_reset = 'UPDATE main SET rank=0 WHERE NOT id=1;'
+#    db.execute(rank_reset)
+#  end
+  result = db.execute("select * from main;")
+  log = 'select * from logs;'
+  logs = db.execute(log)
+  flag = 1
+  text = "<p>データがありません</p>\n"
+#rank = "n"
+printf("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n")
+printf'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="180;">
+<title>Delete table</title>
+puts text
+if flag == 1
+  print"<table border = 1>\n"
+  result.each do |line|
+    printf("<tr><td>%04d</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",line[0].to_i-1,line[1],line[2],line[3],line[4],line[8],line[9])
+  end
+  print'</table>'
+#  print'<p><form method="POST" action="./etsuran.rb">
+#NO <input name="rank" type="radio" value="n" checked="checked"> / 
+#YES <input name="rank" type="radio" value="y"><br>
+#<input type="submit" value="submit">
+if flag == 1
+  print'<marquee direction=up hspace=50 scrolldelay=1 loop=1 scrollamount=1000 behavior="slide" width=500 height=200><table style="margin=0;">'
+  logs.each do |line|
+    printf("<tr><td width=50px>%s</td><td width=50px>%04d</td><td width=100px>%s</td><td width=100px>%s</td></tr>\n",line[0],line[1].to_i-1,line[2],line[3])
+  end
+ print"</table></marquee>"
+  printf("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n")
+  printf'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "
+<title>Delete table</title>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/admin/operation.html	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+	"">
+<title>Database delete</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css">
+<form method="POST" action="./delete.rb">
+はい<input type="radio" name="check" value="OK"> 
+いいえ<input type="radio" name="check" value="NO">
+<input type="submit" value="削除">
+<input type="reset" value="リセット">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/admin/operation.rb	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+require 'sqlite3'
+require 'cgi'
+db ="../sql/stamp.sq3")
+c = => "UTF-8")
+printf("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n")
+if /^(172\.19\.5\.|172\.17\.54\.|172\.21\.90\.)|| =~ add
+check = c['check']
+if check == "OK"
+  begin
+    db.execute("drop table main;")
+    db.extcute("drop table logs;")
+    text = "<p>データを削除しました。</p>"
+  rescue
+    text = "<p>データがありません。</p>"
+  end
+  text = "データは削除されません"
+printf'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
+<title>Delete table</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css">
+<p><a href="etsuran.rb">データ閲覧ページへ</a></p>
+  printf'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "
+<title>Delete table</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/magic.rb	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+def magic()
+  srand(123456789)
+  hoge =
+  while hoge.length < 100
+    hoge << rand(1000000)
+    hoge.uniq!
+  end
+  return hoge
Binary file 2014OC/png/bottom.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/bun.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/dai.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/eki.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/gaku.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/hoku.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/ka.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/kamo.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/ko.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiB1.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiB2.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiB3.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiB4.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiB5.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiB6.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiB7.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiG1.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiG2.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiG3.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiG4.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiG5.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiG6.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/madousiG7.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/murakamibot.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiB1.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiB2.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiB3.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiB4.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiB5.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiB6.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiB7.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiG1.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiG2.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiG3.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiG4.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiG5.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiG6.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/sensiG7.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefB1.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefB2.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefB3.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefB4.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefB5.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefB7.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefG1.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefG2.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefG3.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefG4.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefG5.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefG6.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/thiefG7.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/to.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/top.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiB1.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiB2.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiB3.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiB4.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiB5.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiB6.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiB7.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiG1.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiG2.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiG3.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiG4.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiG5.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiG6.png has changed
Binary file 2014OC/png/yumiG7.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/sql/.htaccess	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+deny from all
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2014OC/sub.rb	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+def rpg(job,sex,stump,bingo,sumexp)
+  lv  = [1,4,10,16,24,33,49]
+  exp = stump + (bingo * 5)
+  iro = 0
+  for hoge in lv
+    if exp >= hoge
+      iro += 1
+    end
+  end
+  per = (exp.to_f)*100 / (sumexp.to_f)
+  png = job + "" + sex + "" + iro.to_s
+  ret = [png,per,exp]
+  return ret
+#job = "sensi"
+#sex = "G"
+#hoge = rpg(job,sex,5,2,100) #職業,性別,スタンプ数,ビンゴ数,総経験値
+#puts hoge
--- a/minato2014/account.html	Sat Jul 26 11:24:46 2014 +0900
+++ b/minato2014/account.html	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -7,36 +7,11 @@
-<form method="POST" action="./accountcheck.rb">
-<p>名前:<input name="name" type="text">(ニックネーム)</p>
-<p>生別:<select name="sex">
-	 <option value="B">男
-	 <option value="G">女
-	 </select></p>
-<p>年代:<select name="age">
-	 <option>10代
-	 <option>20代
-	 <option>30代
-	 <option>40代
-	 <option>50代
-	 <option>60代以上
-	</select></p>
-<p>出身地:<select name="aria">
-	 <option>酒田市内
-	 <option>山形県内 
-	 <option>県外 
-	 </select></p>
-<p>ジョブ:<select name="job">
-	   <option value="sensi">戦士
-	   <option value="madousi">魔法使い
-	   <option value="yumi">弓使い
-	   <option value="thief">盗賊
-	</select></p>
-<input type="submit" value="OK"><br>
-<img src="rain.png" width="" height="画像の高さ" alt="代替テキスト">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/minato2014/account2.html	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+	"">
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css">
+<form method="POST" action="./accountcheck.rb">
+<p>名前:<input name="name" type="text">(ニックネーム)</p>
+<p>生別:<select name="sex">
+	 <option value="B">男
+	 <option value="G">女
+	 </select></p>
+<p>年代:<select name="age">
+	 <option>10代
+	 <option>20代
+	 <option>30代
+	 <option>40代
+	 <option>50代
+	 <option>60代以上
+	</select></p>
+<p>出身地:<select name="aria">
+	 <option>酒田市内
+	 <option>山形県内 
+	 <option>県外 
+	 </select></p>
+<p>ジョブ:<select name="job">
+	   <option value="sensi">戦士
+	   <option value="madousi">魔法使い
+	   <option value="yumi">弓使い
+	   <option value="thief">盗賊
+	</select></p>
+<input type="submit" value="OK"><br>
+<img src="rain.png" width="" height="画像の高さ" alt="代替テキスト">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/minato2014/sql/.htaccess	Thu Jul 31 16:09:51 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+deny from all