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author yuuji@gentei.org
date Fri, 16 Oct 2009 21:49:51 +0900
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children 0f6c76dc7a23
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1 %%%
2 %%% YaTeX-LaTeX Help File(c)HIROSE Yuuji [yuuji@yatex.org]
3 %%% You can translate this file for any device other than YaTeX via
4 %%% any filter program. But it is not allowed to remove copyright
5 %%% notice and any existing dictionary entiries which describes the
6 %%% source of this file.
7 %%%
9 textfloatsep
10 \addtolength{\textfloatsep}{LENGTH}
11 Length between the text and a float at the top or bottom of page
13 floatsep
14 \addtolength{\floatsep}{LENGTH}
15 Length between two floats
17 oddsidemargin
18 \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{LENGTH}
19 Length between text and a line 1 inch from the left of page, on the
20 right page
23 pagestyle
24 \pagestyle{STYLE}
25 Determines header and footer styles on output page. There are the
26 following styles
27 plain Standard style. Page number only in footer.
28 empty No headers or footers are output.
29 headings Puts page number and headings according to section in header.
30 No footer is output.
31 myheadings User defines what goes into headings using \markbpth and \markright
33 thispagestyle
34 \thispagestyle{STYLE}
35 Determines the STYLE for the current page only
37 pagenumbering
38 \pagenumbering{STYLE}
39 Determines the STYLE of page numbers. Type of STYLEs are,
40 arabic arabic numerals
41 alph lowercase alphabets
42 Alph uppercase alphabets
43 roman lowercase roman numerals
44 Roman uppercase roman numerals
46 shortstack
47 \shortstack[POSITION]{TEXT\\TO BE\\STACKED}
48 Stack and display contents within {}, separated by \\.
49 Possible [POSITION]s are, l(left), c(center), r(right).
51 newlength
52 \newlength{NAME}
53 Declare NAME as a length command.
55 addtolength
56 \addtolength{LENGTH COMMAND}{VALUE}
58 See \setlength for major style parameters.
60 setlength
61 \setlength{LENGTH COMMAND}{VALUE}
62 Set the value of LENGTH COMMAND to VALUE.
63 Major style parameters are:
64 (Style parameters must be changed in the preamble)
65 \evensidemargin \footheight \footskip \headheight
66 \headsep \marginparsep \marginparwidth \oddsidemargin
67 \textheight \textwidth \topmargin \topskip
68 \parindent \baselineskip \baselinestretch \parskip
69 \columnsep \columnseprule \mathindent
71 settowidth{\NAME}{TEXT}
72 Set the value of \NAME to the width of \hbox{TEXT}.
74 evensidemargin
75 \setlength{\evensidemargin}{LENGTH}
76 Length between body and a line 1 inch from the left of page, on the
77 left page.
79 footheight
80 \setlength{\footheight}{LENGTH}
81 Height of footer.
83 footskip
84 \setlength{\footskip}{LENGTH}
85 Length between bottom of body and footer.
87 headheight
88 \addtolength{\headheight}{LENGTH}
89 Height of header.
91 headsep
92 \setlength{\headsep}{LENGTH}
93 Length between top of body and header.
95 marginparsep
96 \addtolength{\marginparsep}{LENGTH}
97 Length between the body and marginal notes
99 marginparwidth
100 \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{LENGTH}
101 Width of marginal notes.
103 oddsidemargin
104 \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{LENGTH}
105 Length between body and a line 1 inch from the left of page, on the
106 right page.
109 textheight
110 \addtolength{\textheight}{LENGTH}
111 Height of text.
113 textwidth
114 \addtolength{\textwidth}{LENGTH}
115 Width of body.
117 topmargin
118 \addtolength{\topmargin}{LENGTH}
119 Length between the header and a line one inch from the top of the page.
121 topskip
122 \addtolength{\topskip}{LENGTH}
123 Length between top of the body to the first line of the text.
125 parindent
126 \setlength{\parindent}{LENGTH}
127 Width of indentation at the beginning of a paragraph.
129 linewidth
130 \addtolength{\linewidth}{LENGTH}
131 Width of lines.
133 baselineskip
134 \addtolength{baselineskip}{LENGTH}
135 Minimum height between baselines (bottom of a line).
137 baselinestretch
138 \renewcommand{baselinestretch}{1.5}
139 Value to multiply \baselineskip. (default is 1)
140 (* Redefine using \renewcommand. Don't use \setlength.
142 parskip
143 \addtolength{\parskip}{LENGTH}
144 Vertical space before a paragraph.
146 columnsep
147 \addtolength{\columnsep}{LENGTH}
148 Width between columns in a two column environment.
150 columnseprule
151 \addtolength{\columnseprule}{LENGTH}
152 Width of ruler to separate columns in a two column environment.
153 (default is 0pt)
155 columnwidth
156 \addtolength{\columnwidth}{LENGTH}
157 (\textwidth - \columnsep)/2 in a two column environment.
158 Otherwise, equal to \textwidth.
160 mathindent
161 \addtolength{mathindent}{LENGTH}
162 Width of indentation of a equation from the left margin, when fleqn is
163 defined as style option.
165 LaTeX
166 \LaTeX
167 Display \LaTeX logo. Definition of \LaTeX is;
168 \def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em
169 T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
171 fragile
172 ** LaTeX term **
173 Any command which expanded result changes by an argument.
174 Opposite is a robust command.
176 robust
177 ** LaTeX term **
178 Commands which expanded results are always the same.
179 Font type/size selection commands, length commands, and most commands
180 used within math mode is robust.
181 (maketitle type commands that don't take any arguments)
183 protect
184 \protect `a fragile command'
185 Commands that the result changes according to it's arguments are
186 called "fragile commands". When an argument is referenced in more
187 than one place, the command is said to "take a moving argument".
188 chapter and caption, whose argument will be used in the table of
189 contents, or an @ in an tabular/array environment are examples.
191 When a "fragile command" is used in a "moving argument", it must be
192 preceded by a \protect. Following is an example.
194 \newcommand{\thissystem}[1]{YaTeX version #1}
195 \chapter{About \protect \thissystem{1.50}}
197 newcommand
198 \newcommand{\NAME}[ARGS]{DEF}
199 Define a macro \NAME as DEF, taking ARGS number of arguments. The nth
200 argument will be referred as #n in the definition.
201 If used as
202 \newcommand{\foo}[1]{\underline{#1}}
203 \foo{bar} will be expanded to \underline{bar}. When a font selection
204 command is used as
205 \newcommand{\foo}[1]{\bf #1}
206 \foo{bar} will be expanded as \bf bar in the text, so, it must be used as
207 \newcommand{\foo}[1]{{\bf #1}}
209 If NAME is already defined as a macro, it will return an error. To
210 redefine, use \renewcommand.
212 renewcommand
213 \renewcommand{\NAME}[ARGS]{DEF}
214 Redefine an already defined command.
215 <refer newcommand>
217 newenvironment
218 \newenvironment{NAME}[ARGS]{DEF1}{DEF2}
219 Define a new environment.
220 \begin{NAME} will be replaced by DEF1 and \end{NAME} will be replaced
221 by DEF2. Same as
222 \newcommand{\NAME}{DEF1} \def{\end{\NAME}}{DEF2}
224 renewenvironment
225 \renewenvironment{NAME}[ARGS]{DEF1}{DEF2}
226 Redefine an environment NAME that already exists.
227 <refer newenvironment>
229 typeout
230 \typeout{MESSAGE}
231 Output MESSAGE to the terminal while typesetting.
233 typein
234 \typein{MESSAGE} \typein[\MACRO]{MESSAGE}
235 Output MESSAGE to terminal and execute the input.
236 In the second form, \MACRO will be defined as the input.
238 par
239 \par
240 Used to separate paragraphs. Same as a blank line.
242 everypar
243 \everypar
244 RTFM
246 nopagebreak
247 \nopagebreak[i] (i = 0,1,2,3,4)
248 Prevents pages to be broken by the strength of i. (default is 4)
250 pagebreak
251 \pagebreak[i] (i = 0,1,2,3,4)
252 Forces pages to be broken by the strength of i. (default is 4)
254 linebreak
255 \linebreak[i] (i = 0,1,2,3,4)
256 Forces lines to be broken by the strength of i. (default is 4)
258 nolinebreak
259 \nolinebreak[i] (i = 0,1,2,3,4)
260 Prevents lines to be broken by the strength of i. (default is 4)
262 samepage
263 \samepage
264 Prevents page to be broken.
265 RTFM
267 obeycr
268 \obeycr
269 Define <CR> as \\. see \restorecr
271 restorecr
272 \restorecr
273 Restore <CR>'s definition changed by \obeycr.
275 \
276 \\ \\[LENGTH]
278 Breaks a line at any given point. Same as \newline if used within a
279 paragraph. If an option argument LENGTH is given, vertical space to
280 next line will be \vspace{LENGTH}.
282 addvspace
283 \addvspace{SKIP}
284 Adds space equal to SKIP to vertical space. If more than one values
285 are given as \addvspace{S1} \addvspace{S2}, it will be the same as
286 \addvspace{the larger of S1, S2}.
288 vspace
289 \vspace{LENGTH} \vspace*{LENGTH}
290 Adds vertical space of LENGTH.
291 \vspace* will add space at any given position, but \vspace will not
292 add at beginning or end of a page.
294 vspace*
295 \vspace{LENGTH} \vspace*{LENGTH}
296 Adds vertical space of LENGTH.
297 \vspace* will add space at any given position, but \vspace will not
298 add at beginning or end of a page.
300 hspace
301 \hspace{LENGTH} \hspace*{LENGTH}
302 Adds horizontal space of LENGTH.
303 \hspace* will add space at any given position, but \hspace will not add
304 at beginning or end of a line.
306 hspace*
307 \hspace{LENGTH} \hspace*{LENGTH}
308 Adds horizontal space of LENGTH.
309 \hspace* will add space at any given position, but \hspace will not add
310 at beginning or end of a line.
312 smallskip
313 \smallskip
314 Put a small vertical space.
315 \def\smallskip{\vspace\smallskipamount}
317 medskip
318 \medskip
319 Put a medium vertical space.
320 \def\medskip{\vspace\medskipamount}
322 bigskip
323 \bigskip
324 Put a big vertical skip.
325 \def\bigskip{\vspace\bigskipamount}
327 ,
328 \,
329 Opens a thin space. Can be used in paragraph mode, LR mode, or math mode.
330 Used to write a quote within a quote.
331 example: ``\,`Foo', he said.''
332 Spaces that can be used in math mode are:
333 \: medium space
334 \! negative and thin space
335 \; thick space
337 :
338 $\:$
339 Medium space. Math mode only.
341 !
342 $\!$
343 Negative thin space. Math mode only.
345 ;
346 $\;$
347 Thick space. Math mode only.
349 whiledo{TEST}{BODY}
350 Repeat BODY while TEST is true.
352 nofiles
353 \nofiles
354 If \nofiles is in the preamble, .aux, .idx, .lof, .lot, .toc files will
355 not be made.
357 includeonly
358 \includeonly{sub1} \includeonly{sub1,sub3}
359 Appoints actual files to be read and processed by \include{}. (.tex can
360 be suppressed)
361 Files not given in the argument list of \includeonly will not be
362 processed at all. If the file has been processed before, it will be
363 treated as if there were no changes from then.
365 include
366 \include{FILE}
367 Same as
368 \clearpage \input{FILE} \clearpage
370 input
371 \input{FILE}
372 Process as if FILE.tex has been inserted at that point.
374 setcounter
375 \setcounter{FOO}{VAL}
376 Set counter FOO's value to VAL.
378 <refer How to Introduce new counter>
380 addtocounter
381 \addtocounter{FOO}{VAL}
382 Add value VAL to counter FOO.
384 <refer How to Introduce new counter>
386 newcounter
387 \newcounter{COUNTER}[OLDCTR]
388 Defines a new counter COUNTER.
389 If an optional argument OLDCTR is given, COUNTER's value will be reset
390 every time OLDCTR's value is changed by \stepcounter or \addtocounter.
392 <refer How to Introduce new counter>
394 How to Introduce new counter
395 You'll get `Question n.' increasing n with \mondai, by setting as below.
397 \newcounter{toi}
398 \renewcommand{\thetoi}{Question \arabic{toi}.~ }
399 \setcounter{toi}{0}
400 \newcommand{\mondai}{\refstepcounter{toi}\thetoi}
402 value
403 \value{COUNTER}
404 Returns value of COUNTER. Must not be preceded by \protect.
406 stepcounter
407 \stepcounter{FOO}
408 Increments value of counter FOO. Also resets any counter dependent to FOO.
410 refstepcounter
411 \refstepcounter{FOO}
412 Increments value of counter FOO. Also resets any counter dependent to
413 FOO. Defers with \stepcounter as; if \label{hoge} follows immediately
414 after \refstepcounter{FOO}, \ref{hoge}'s value will be set to \value{FOO}.
416 arabic
417 \arabic{COUNTER}
418 Output COUNTER's value in arabic numerals.
420 roman
421 \roman{COUNTER}
422 Output COUNTER's value in lower case roman numerals.
424 Roman
425 \Roman{COUNTER}
426 Output COUNTER's value in upper case roman numerals.
428 alph
429 \alph{COUNTER}
430 Output COUNTER's value in lower case alphabet.
432 Alph
433 \Alph{COUNTER}
434 Output COUNTER's value in upper case alphabet.
436 fnsymbol
437 \fnsymbol{COUNTER}
438 Output COUNTER's value in footnote symbols (1 = *, 2 = \dagger, ...).
439 Math mode only.
441 label
442 \label{LABEL}
443 Set value of LABEL to \ref VALUE.
444 This value is referred by \ref{VALUE}. \pageref{LABEL} refers to the
445 page number \label{LABEL} exists.
446 ``\ref VALUEs'' are, section commands as \section, \item commands within
447 an enumerate environment, values set by a theorem environment. For
448 example, immediately after a \item of a enumerate environment, the item
449 number will be the ``\ref VALUE''. \label{LABEL} will set the item
450 number to LABEL.
452 ref
453 \ref{LABEL}
454 Refer to LABEL's value set by \label{LABEL}.
455 Examples of values returned are; page numbers for LABELs set in the main
456 text, table numbers for LABELs set in a table, and the item number for
457 LABELs set in an item of the enumerate environment.
459 pageref
460 \pageref{LABEL}
461 Refer to the page number where \label{LABEL} exists.
463 (
464 \( EQUATION \)
465 Produce an in-text equation.
466 Same as
467 \begin{math} EQUATION \end{math}
468 \( and \) are fragile.
470 )
471 \( x^2 = 4 \)
472 Produce an in-text equation.
473 Same as
474 \begin{math} EQUATION \end{math}
475 \( and \) are fragile.
477 [
478 \[ EQUATION \]
479 Produce an equation in display mode.
480 Same as
481 \begin{displaymath} EQUATION \end{displaymath}
482 \[ and \] are fragile.
484 )
485 \[ EQUATION \]
486 Produce an equation in display mode.
487 Same as
488 \begin{displaymath} EQUATION \end{displaymath}
489 \[ and \] are fragile.
491 equation
492 \begin{equation} EQUATION \end{equation}
493 Produce a numbered equation in displaymath mode.
495 eqnarray
496 \begin{eqnarray} EQNS \end{eqnarray}
497 Produce equations aligned in three columns. The columns are separated by
498 & as ``left member & sign & right member''. For example,
499 \begin{eqnarray}
500 3x + 2y & = & 4 \\
501 x - 4y & = & -5
502 \end{eqnarray}
504 eqnarray*
505 \begin{eqnarray*} EQNS \end{eqnarray*}
506 Same as eqnarray, except no equation numbers are produced.
508 frac
509 \frac{NUMER}{DENOM}
510 Produce a fraction as
512 ------
514 Same as {NUMER \over DENOM}
516 sqrt
517 \sqrt[N]{EQUATION}
518 Produces the Nth power of EQUATION. Gives a square root if [N] is not given.
520 lefteqn
521 \lefteqn{EQUATION}
522 In display math mode, presume EQUATION has zero width and print it flush left.
523 Used in eqnarray environment when the left member is too long and needs
524 folding.
525 \begin{eqnarray}
526 \lefteqn{a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n =} \\
527 & & a_1 + b_1 + \cdots + z_1 + \\
528 & & b_2 + c+2 + \cdost + z_2
529 \end{eqnarray}
531 center
532 \begin{center} TEXT \end{center}
533 Center TEXT. Each line must be separated by \\.
534 <refer \centering>
536 flushright
537 \begin{flushright} TEXT \end{flushright}
538 Align end of each line with right margin. Each line must be separated by \\.
539 <refer \raggedright>
541 flushleft
542 \begin{flushleft} TEXT \end{flushleft}
543 Align start of each line with left margin. \\ can be given to decide
544 point of line break. Otherwise lines will be broken at an appropriate
545 length.
546 <refer \raggedleft>
548 centering
549 \centering
550 Produce a centered paragraph.
551 Declared at the beginning of a table/figura environment, it will center
552 until the end of the environment.
554 raggedright
555 \raggedright
556 Produce flush-left paragraphs.
558 raggedleft
559 \raggedleft
560 Produce flush-right paragraphs.
562 raggedbottom
563 \raggedbottom
564 Allow height of each page to vary.
565 Declared in the preamble.
566 <refer \flushbottom>
568 flushbottom
569 \flushbottom
570 Make all text pages the same height.
571 Declared in the preamble.
572 <refer \raggedbottom>
574 sloppy
575 \sloppy
576 Always breaks the line at the right-hand margin, but allows too much
577 space between words.
578 <refer \fussy>
580 fussy
581 \fussy
582 Return to normal line breaking.
583 <refer \sloppy>
585 sloppypar
586 \begin{sloppypar} PARAGRAPH \end{sloppypar}
587 Produce PARAGRAPH in \sloppy.
588 <refer \sloppy>
590 verbatim
591 \begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim}
592 The verbatim environment uses the fixed-width \tt font, turns blanks into
593 spaces, starts a new line for each carriage return (or sequence of
594 consecutive carriage returns), and interprets EVERY character literally.
595 I.e., all special characters \, {, $, etc. are \catcode'd to 'other'.
597 verbatim*
598 \begin{verbatim*} ... \end{verbatim*}
599 The verbatim* environment is the same to verbatim, except that spaces
600 print as the TeXbook's space character instead of as blank spaces.
601 <refer verbatim>
603 list
604 \begin{list}{LABEL}{PARAMETER} ... \end{list}
605 Enter list environment. Each \item will be listed with an indent.
606 First argument gives the default label when \item's optional argument is
607 omitted. Second argument gives parameters to be processed for each item.
608 example:
609 \begin{list}%
610 {$\diamond$}
611 {\addtolength{\leftmargin}{4em}}
612 \item First argument is the default label when \verb|\item|'s optional
613 argument is given.
614 \item Second argument will be processed for each item.
615 \item[*] If a optional argument is given such as this, it will be the label.
616 \end{list}
618 Variables to control the list environment are as follow; (default value)
619 horizontal:
620 <refer variables to control list environment>
622 variables to control list environment
623 \labelwidth width of label
624 \labelsep space between right of label and text of first item
625 \leftmargin left margin within list environment
626 \rightmargin right margin within list environment (0pt)
627 \itemindent width of indent preceding item (0pt)
628 \linewidth width of line
629 \listparindent indent for each paragraph (except first paragraph with \item)
630 (0pt)
632 vertical:
633 \topsep space between last paragraph before list environment and
634 first item
635 \partopsep space added to \topsep when starting a new paragraph in list
636 environment
637 \itemsep space between successive items
638 \parsep space between paragraphs within the same item
640 itemize
641 \begin{itemize} \item ITEM1 ... \item ITEMn \end{itemize}
642 Produce a bulleted list.
643 Can be nested to four levels.
644 ``bullets'' shown at top of each item of the four levels are controlled
645 by \labelitemi, \labelitemii, \labelitemiii, \labelitemiv.
647 Variables to control the itemize environment are;
648 <refer variables to control list environment>
650 enumerate
651 \begin{enumerate} \item ITEM1 ... \item ITEMn \end{enumerate}
652 Produce a numbered list.
653 Can be nested to four levels.
654 Numbers for items on each level are held in enumi, enumii, enumiii, enumiv.
655 Each item's label are produced by \labelenumi, ..., \labelenumiv.
656 \p@enumN\theenumN will set \ref's value. (N is the depth of level.
657 refer \ref for value of \ref)
658 For example, if declared
659 \def\theenumii{\alph{enumii}}
660 \def\p@enumii{\theenumi\theenumii}
661 \def\labelenumii{(\theenumii)}
662 \ref's value will be 3a.
664 Variables to control enumerate environment are,
665 <refer variables to control list environment>
667 item
668 \item \item[LABEL]
669 Start an item in itemize, enumerate, description environment.
670 Output LABEL if [LABEL] is given.
672 description
673 \begin{description} \item[LABEL] CONTENTS ... \end{description}
674 Produce [LABEL] as a label.
676 subitem
677 \subitem ITEM
678 Define a subitem.
680 subsubitem
681 \subsubitem ITEM
682 Define a subsubitem.
684 makebox
685 \makebox[WID][POS]{OBJECT} \makebox(X,Y)[POS]{OBJECT}
686 First form will place OBJECT at position POS and width WID in a \box.
687 For POS, object will be placed flush-left if `l', flush-right if `r',
688 splattering words in the same space if `s', and centered if nothing is given
689 in the second form, object will be placed in a \hbox sized (X,Y) (in
690 \unitlength) within a picture environment. POS is the same as the first form.
694 mbox
695 \mbox{OBJECT}
696 Same as \makebox{OBJECT}.
698 newsavebox
699 \newsavebox{\CMD}
700 Define a new box saving command. \CMD is used in a \savebox command to
701 save boxes. Commands defined by \newsavebox are always global.
703 savebox
704 \savebox{\CMD}{TEXT}
705 Save results of TEXT in \CMD to be boxed.
706 TEXT is the same as the argument of \makebox, but the results of
707 processing TEXT is not displayed in-place. Boxes processed by
708 \usebox{\CMD} will be placed.
710 sbox
711 \sbox{\CMD}{TEXT}
712 Same as \savebox. \sbox is robust, and \savebox is fragile.
714 framebox
715 \framebox[WID][POS]{OBJECT} \framebox(X,Y)[POS]{OBJECT}
716 Do the same thing as \makebox with a frame.
717 The frame's width and space between the object are decided by \framerule
718 and \framesep. If used as \framebox(X,Y){OBJECT} in a picture
719 environment, width of frame will be dependant to the picture
720 environment's line width, and space between the object and frame can not
721 be opened.
723 fbox
724 \fbox{OBJECT}
725 Same as \framebox{OBJECT}.
726 \fbox is robust, \framebox fragile.
728 Rule width of \fbox can be controled by setting \fboxrule
730 {
731 \fboxrule=2\fboxrule
732 \fbox{contents of double width of rule}
733 }
735 parbox
736 \parbox[POS]{WIDTH}{TEXT}
737 Make a box of width WIDTH using TEXT. The box's position by POS is;
738 c : centering (default)
739 b : bottom of box matches present text
740 t : top of box matches present text
742 In \parbox, parameters will be reset as;
743 \parskip = 0pt
744 \linewidth = \hsize
745 \@totalleftmargin = 0pt
746 \leftskip = 0pt
747 \rightskip = 0pt
748 \@rightskip = 0pt
749 \parfillskip = 0pt plus 1fil
750 \lineskip = \normallineskip
751 \baselineskip = \normalbaselineskip
753 minipage
754 \begin{minipage}[pos]{WIDTH} TEXT \end{minipage}
755 Make a box of width WIDTH using TEXT as \parbox. The box's position by
756 POS is;
757 c : centering (default)
758 b : bottom of box matches present text
759 t : top of box matches present text
760 TEXT will be processed as a normal paragraph, differing from \parbox.
762 rule
764 Make a rule of WIDTH x HEIGHT. If RAISED is given, will be raised that
765 amount.
767 underline
768 \underline{TEXT}
769 Underline TEXT.
771 raisebox
773 Raise BOX by DISTANCE.
774 If HEIGHT and DEPTH are given, TeX will take it as the height and depth
775 of the box.
776 (see TeXBook for more info)
778 tabbing
779 \begin{tabbing} \= text1.1 \= text1.2 \\ \> text2.1 \> text2.2 \end{tabbing}
780 Creates an environment of aligned columns (nesting allowed). For example,
781 \begin{tabbing}
782 \= ITEM1 \hspace*{2em} \= ITEM2 \hspace*{3em} \= ITEM3 \\
783 \> aabbcc \> ddeeff \> gghhii \+ \\
784 \> jjkkll \> mmnnoo \\
785 \> ppqqrr \- \\
786 \> ssttuu \> vvwwxx \> yyzzzz
787 \end{tabbing}
788 will be processed with three tab stops as,
789 (1st item) (2nd item) (3rd item)
790 aabbcc ddeeff gghhii
791 jjkkll mmnnoo
792 ppqqrr
793 ssttuu vvwwxx yyzzzz
794 \2em/ \3em/
795 Commands to control the tabbing environment are; (n starts from 1)
796 \= Sets the nth tab stop position to the current position and increment
797 the tab counter (n) by 1.
798 \\ Start a new line and reset the tab counter (n=1)
799 \> Set the position to the nth tab stop and increment the tab counter by 1.
800 \+ Add 1 to the next line's tab counter's initial value. If written as
801 \+ \\, the next line's \> will give the position of the second tab
802 stop. Multiple \+ will accumulate tab counter's initial value.
804 \- Reverse of \+. Decrease initial value of tab counter for next line
805 by 1.
806 \< Decrease value of tab counter by 1 and set the tab stop. Can be
807 only used at the beginning of a line.
808 \' Output at a position \tabbinsep right from the normal tab stop.
809 \` Output remaining text flush-right.
810 \pushtabs Push all tab stop positions being used.
811 \poptabs Push all tab stop positions being used. \pushtabs and \poptabs
812 must be used in pairs. Nesting allowed.
813 \aX In a tabbing environment, accents are produced by \a=, \a', \a`
814 \kill Without outputting text, parse tabbing definition.
816 array
817 \begin{array}{PREAMBLE} C1 & C2 & .. & Cn \\ D1 ... \end{array}
818 Make a mathematical array. Useful to make matrix.
819 See the help of `tabular' for detailed description.
821 tabular
822 \begin{tabular}[OPT]{PREAMBLE} C1 & C2 & .. & Cn \\ D1 ... \end{tabular}
823 Make tabular.
824 [[OPT]]
825 [t] Align the top of tabular to the line.
826 [b] Align the bottom of tabular to the line.
827 [[PREAMBLE]]
828 l,r,c : indicate where entry is to be placed.
829 | : for vertical rule
830 @{EXP} : inserts the text EXP in every column. \arraycolsep or \tabcolsep
831 spacing is suppressed.
832 *{N}{PRE} : equivalent to writing N copies of PRE in the preamble. PRE
833 may contain *{N'}{EXP'} expressions.
834 p{LEN} : makes entry in parbox of width LEN. This is useful when
835 each column contains long sentences.
837 [[Usable commands in array, tabular environment]]
838 \multicolumn
839 <refer multicolumn>
840 \vline
841 <refer vline>
842 \hline
843 <refer hline>
844 \cline{i-j}
845 <refer cline>
846 \extracolsep{W}
847 <refer extracolsep>
850 See below as an example.
852 \LaTeX Expression Printed image
853 \begin{array}{ccr}
854 x+y+z & a_1 & 1 \\ x+y+z a1 1
855 x+z & a_2 & 21 \\ x+z a2 21
856 y & a_3 & 321 y a3 321
857 \end{array}
859 \[ \left(
860 \begin{array}{cccc}
861 a_{11} & a_{12} & \dots & a_{1n} \\ / a11 a12 ... a1n \
862 a_{21} & a_{22} & \dots & a_{2n} \\ | a21 a22 ... a2n |
863 \vdots & \vdots & \ddots& \vdots \\ | : : \. : |
864 a_{n1} & a_{n2} & \dots & a_{nn} \ an1 an2 ..: ann /
865 \end{array}
866 \right)\]
868 \begin{tabular}{lp{0.7\textwidth}
869 \hline ----------------------------
870 \verb|.| & Period matches with . Period matches with any
871 any single character.\\ single character.
872 \verb|*| & Asterisk matches with * Asterisk matches with 0
873 0 or more repetition or more repetition of
874 of preceding regexp. preceding regexp.
875 \\ \hline ----------------------------
876 \end{tabular}
878 (End of example)
880 \right(, \left) or \right{, left} or \right[, \left] or \right|, \left|
881 can enclose whole of array environment by parentheses, braces, brackets,
882 norm respectively. The number of `\right's and `\left's should be the
883 same, but the type of parentheses don't have to match like
884 \right( \left]. `\right.' produces the invisible parenthesis.
886 \[ Ans. \cdots \left\{ /
887 \begin{array}{ccc} | x = 5
888 x & = & 5 \\ Ans. ...<
889 y & = & 3 | y = 3
890 \end{array} \right. \] \
892 Here are the style parameters for the tabular environment.
893 \arraycolsep : half the width separating columns in an array environment
894 \tabcolsep : half the width separating columns in a tabular environment
895 \arrayrulewidth : width of rules
896 \doublerulesep : space between adjacent rules in array or tabular
897 \arraystretch : line spacing in array and tabular environments is done by
898 placing a strut in every row of height and depth
899 \arraystretch times the height and depth of the strut
900 produced by an ordinary \strut command.
902 Tabular environment cannot spread across pages. `supertabular.sty'
903 allows this.
905 tabular*
906 \begin{tabular*}{WIDTH}{PREAMBLE} ... \end{tabular*}
907 Make tabular environment with specifying its width.
908 To fill this width, use \extracolsep{} of preamble as below:
909 \begin{tabular*}{10em}[b]{|c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}|c|c|}
910 \hline
911 a & b & c \\ \hline
912 1 & 2 & 3
913 \end{tabular*}
914 See also tabular.
916 multicolumn
917 \multicolumn{N}{FORMAT}{ITEM}
918 In tabular environment,
919 replaces the next N column items by
920 ITEM, formatted according to FORMAT. FORMAT should contain at most
921 one l,r or c. If it contains none, then ITEM is ignored.
923 vline
924 \vline
925 In tabular environment,
926 draws a vertical line the height of the current row. May
927 appear in an array element entry.
930 hline
931 \hline
932 In tabular environment draws a horizontal line between rows. Must
933 appear either before the first entry (to appear above the first row) or
934 right after a \\ command. If followed by another \hline, then adds a
935 \vskip of \doublerulesep.
937 cline
938 \cline{i-j}
939 In tabular environment,
940 draws horizontal lines between rows covering columns
941 i through j, inclusive. Multiple commands may follow
942 one another to provide lines covering several disjoint
943 columns
945 extracolsep
946 \extracolsep{W}
947 for use inside an @ in the preamble. Causes a WIDTH
948 space to be added between columns for the rest of the
949 columns. This is in addition to the ordinary intercolumn
950 space.
952 picture
953 \begin{picture}(WIDTH,HEIGHT)(X,Y) ..contents.. \end{picture}
954 The picture environment allows you to create just about any kind of
955 picture you want containing text, lines, arrows and circles. You tell
956 LaTeX where to put things in the picture by specifying their
957 coordinates. A coordinate is a number that may have a decimal point
958 and a minus sign - a number like 5, 2.3 or -3.1416. A coordinate
959 specifies a length in multiples of the unit length \unitlength, so if
960 \unitlength has been set to 1cm, then the coordinate 2.54 specifies a
961 length of 2.54 centimeters. You can change the value of \unitlength
962 anywhere you want, using the \setlength command, but strange things
963 will happen if you try changing it inside the picture environment.
965 A position is a pair of coordinates, such as (2.4,-5), specifying the
966 point with x-coordinate 2.4 and y-coordinate -5. Coordinates are
967 specified in the usual way with respect to an origin, which is
968 normally at the lower-left corner of the picture. Note that when a
969 position appears as an argument, it is not enclosed in braces; the
970 parentheses serve to delimit the argument.
972 The picture environment has one mandatory argument, which is a
973 position. It specifies the size of the picture. The environment
974 produces a rectangular box with width and height determined by this
975 argument's x- and y-coordinates.
977 The picture environment also has an optional position argument,
978 following the size argument, that can change the origin. (Unlike
979 ordinary optional arguments, this argument is not contained in square
980 brackets.) The optional argument gives the coordinates of the point at
981 the lower-left corner of the picture (thereby determining the origin).
982 For example, if \unitlength has been set to 1mm, the command
984 \begin{picture}(100,200)(10,20)
986 produces a picture of width 100 millimeters and height 200
987 millimeters, whose lower-left corner is the point (10,20) and whose
988 upper-right corner is therefore the point (110,220). When you first
989 draw a picture, you will omit the optional argument, leaving the
990 origin at the lower-left corner. If you then want to modify your
991 picture by shifting everything, you just add the appropriate optional
992 argument.
994 The environment's mandatory argument determines the nominal size of
995 the picture. This need bear no relation to how large the picture
996 really is; LaTeX will happily allow you to put things outside the
997 picture, or even off the page. The picture's nominal size is used by
998 TeX in determining how much room to leave for it.
1000 Everything that appears in a picture is drawn by the \put command. The
1001 command
1003 \put (11.3,-.3){...}
1005 puts the object specified by "..." in the picture, with its reference
1006 point at coordinates (11.3,-.3). The reference points for various
1007 objects will be described below.
1009 The \put command creates an LR box. You can put anything in the text
1010 argument of the \put command that you'd put into the argument of an
1011 \mbox and related commands. When you do this, the reference point
1012 will be the lower left corner of the box.
1014 Picture environment is obsolete I thinks, so show only commands.
1016 [[COMMANDS]]
1017 \put(X,Y){OBJECT}
1018 \multiput(X,Y)(dX,dY){REPEAT}{OBJECT}
1019 [[OBJECTS]]
1020 \makebox(X,Y)[POS]{TEXT}
1021 \framebox(X,Y)[POS]{TEXT}
1022 \dashbox(X,Y)[POS]{TEXT}
1023 (POS = l, r, b, t)
1024 \line(dX,dY){HorizontalLength}
1025 \vector(dX,dY){HorizontalLength} (arrow)
1026 (dX,dY = +-1, +-2, ..., +-6)
1027 \shortstack[POS]{FIRST\\SECOND\\THIRD...}
1028 \circle{DIAMETER}
1029 \circle*{DIAMETER} (Filled circle)
1030 (Maximum diameters are 40pt, 15pt)
1031 \oval(Dia-X,DiaY)[POS] (Oval POS = l, r, t, b)
1032 \frame{OBJECT}
1033 \thinlines, \thicklines (choose line thickness)
1034 \linethickness{THICKNESS}
1036 newtheorem
1037 \newtheorem{NAME}{TEXT}[COUNTER] \newtheorem{NAME}[OLDNAME]{TEXT}
1038 This defines the environment NAME to be just as one would expect a
1039 theorem environment to be, except that it prints ``TEXT'' instead of
1040 ``Theorem''.
1042 If OLDNAME is given, then environments NAME and OLDNAME use the same
1043 counter, so using a NAME environment advances the number of the next
1044 NAME environment, and vice-versa.
1046 If COUNTER is given, then environment NAME is numbered within COUNTER.
1047 E.g., if COUNTER = subsection, then the first NAME in subsection 7.2
1048 is numbered TEXT 7.2.1.
1050 The way NAME environments are numbered can be changed by redefining
1051 \theNAME.
1053 title
1054 \title{TITLE}
1055 Define the title of the document.
1057 author
1058 \author{AUTHOR}
1059 Declare the author of the document.
1061 date
1062 \date{DATE}
1063 Define the date of document which is used by \maketitle.
1064 Omitting DATE produces current date.
1066 thanks
1067 \thanks{FOOTNOTE}
1068 Output a footnote in title page.
1070 maketitle
1071 \maketitle
1072 Output a title. Should be written in document environment.
1073 Here are the constituents of title page.
1074 \title{TITLE}
1075 \author{AUTHOR}
1076 \date{DATE} (If DATE omitted, output the date of typesetting)
1077 \thanks{NOTE} (Output a thanks message or the post of the author)
1079 part
1080 \part{TITLE}
1081 Start a new part whose title is TITLE.
1082 <refer chapter>
1084 chapter
1085 \chapter{TITLE}
1086 Start a chapter whose title is TITLE.
1087 Sectioning commands:
1088 \part Part ?
1089 \chapter Chapter ? (not available in `article.sty')
1090 \section ?
1091 \subsection ?.?
1092 \subsubsection ?.?.?
1093 \paragraph ***
1094 \subparagraph ===
1096 section
1097 \section{TITLE}
1098 Start a section whose title is TITLE.
1099 <refer chapter>
1101 subsection
1102 \subsection{TITLE}
1103 Start a subsection whose title is TITLE.
1104 <refer chapter>
1106 subsubsection
1107 \subsubsection{TITLE}
1108 Start a paragraph whose title is TITLE.
1109 <refer chapter>
1111 paragraph
1112 \paragraph{TITLE}
1113 Start a paragraph whose title is TITLE.
1114 <refer chapter
1116 subparagraph
1117 \subparagraph{TITLE}
1118 Start a subparagraph whose title is TITLE.
1119 <refer chapter>
1121 appendix
1122 \appendix
1123 Declare the beginning of appendix.
1124 Change the numbering fashion to appendix oriented.
1126 contentsline
1127 \contentsline{TYPE}{ENTRY}{PAGE}
1128 \contentsline{subsection}{\makebox{30pt}[r]{1.4.3} Gnats and Gnus}{22}
1129 Macro to produce a TYPE entry in a table of contents, etc.
1130 It will appear in the .TOC or other file. For example,
1131 The entry for subsection 1.4.3 in the table of contents might
1132 be produced by:
1133 \contentsline{subsection}{\makebox{30pt}[r]{1.4.3} Gnats and Gnus}{22}
1134 The \protect command causes command sequences to be written
1135 without expanding them.
1137 addcontentsline
1138 \addcontentsline{TABLE}{TYPE}{ENTRY}
1139 User command for adding his own entry to a table of contents, etc.
1140 It adds the entry
1141 \contentsline{TYPE}{ENTRY}{page}
1142 to the .TABLE file.
1144 addtocontents
1145 \addtocontents{TABLE}{TEXT}
1146 Adds TEXT to the .TABLE file, with no page number.
1148 index
1149 \index{INDEX}
1150 Create an entry of index.
1153 glossary
1154 \glossary{STRING}
1155 Create an entry of glossary.
1157 makeindex
1158 \makeindex
1159 Writes \indexentry to .idx file.
1160 Should be in preamble.
1162 makeglossary
1163 \makeglossary
1164 Writes \glossaryentry to .glo file.
1165 Should be in preamble.
1167 bibliography
1168 \bibliography{FILE1,FILE2, ... ,FILEn}
1169 Specifies the bibdata files.
1171 bibliographystyle
1172 \bibliographystyle{STYLE}
1173 Style of numbering of bibliographies.
1174 plain normal
1175 unsrt without sorting
1176 alpha gives tag like "Foo94"
1177 abbrv omit the first name of author, publishing month, book title
1179 thebibliography
1180 \begin{thebibliography}{LONGEST-LABEL} \bibitem{ITEM},... \end{thebibliography}
1181 The thebibliography environment is a list environment. To save the
1182 use of an extra counter, it should use enumiv as the item counter.
1183 Instead of using \item, items in the bibliography are produced by the
1184 \bibitem command.
1185 LONGEST-LABEL is a dummy string to notify the maximum width of label.
1186 ---
1187 <refer bibitem>
1189 bibitem
1190 \bibitem{NAME} \bibitem[LABEL]{NAME}
1191 Produces a numbered (as [1], [2],...) entry cited as NAME.
1192 Second form produces an entry labeled by LABEL and cited as NAME.
1194 thefootnote
1195 In usual LaTeX style, produces the footnote number.
1196 If footnotes are to be numbered within pages, then the
1197 document style file must include an \@addtoreset command
1198 to cause the footnote counter to be reset when the page
1199 counter is stepped. This is not a good idea, though,
1200 because the counter will not always be reset in time
1201 to ensure that the first footnote on a page is footnote
1202 number one.
1204 footnote
1205 \footnote{NOTE} or \footnote[NUM]{NOTE}
1206 User command to insert a footnote.
1207 In second form, insert a footnote numbered
1208 NUM, where NUM is a number -- 1, 2,
1209 etc. For example, if footnotes are numbered
1210 *, **, etc. within pages, then \footnote[2]{...}
1211 produces footnote '**'. This command does not
1212 step the footnote counter.
1214 If you want footnote number as marks, define as follows in preamble;
1215 \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}
1217 The next definition produces dagger marks followed by sequential number.
1218 \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{$\dagger$\arabic{footnote}}
1219 (fragile)
1221 footnotemark
1222 \footnotemark[NUM]
1223 Command to produce just the footnote mark in
1224 the text, but no footnote. With no argument,
1225 it steps the footnote counter before generating
1226 the mark.
1228 footnotetext
1229 \footnotetext[NUM]{TEXT}
1230 Command to produce the footnote but no mark.
1231 \footnote is equivalent to \footnotemark \footnotetext .
1233 footnotesize
1234 {\footnotesize ...}
1235 Size-changing command for footnotes.
1237 footnotesep
1238 \footnotesep
1239 The height of a strut placed at the beginning of every footnote.
1241 footnoterule
1242 \footnoterule
1243 Macro to draw the rule separating footnotes from text.
1244 It is executed right after a \vspace of \skip\footins.
1245 It should take zero vertical space--i.e., it should to
1246 a negative skip to compensate for any positive space
1247 it occupies. (See PLAIN.TEX.)
1249 documentstyle
1250 \documentstyle[OPTION1,OPTION2, ... ,OPTIONn]{STYLE}
1251 The user starts one's file with the command as above
1252 which loads the OPTION's respectively and \input's the file STYLE.sty.
1254 documentclass
1255 \documentclass[OPTION1,OPTION2, ... ,OPTIONn]{STYLE}
1256 In LaTeX2e, user starts one's file with the command as above
1257 which loads the OPTION's respectively and \input's the file STYLE.cls.
1259 usepackage
1260 \usepackage[OPTIONS]{PACKAGE}
1261 Use additional package `PACKAGE' with option `OPTION'.
1263 verb
1264 \verb#CONTENTS#
1265 The command \verb produces in-line verbatim text, where the argument
1266 is delimited by any pair of characters. E.g., \verb #...# takes
1267 '...' as its argument, and sets it verbatim in \tt font.
1269 The *-variants of these commands is the same, except that spaces
1270 print as the TeXbook's space character instead of as blank spaces.
1272 styleparameter
1274 topfigrule
1275 \topfigrule
1276 Command to place rule (or whatever) between floats
1277 at top of page and text. Executed in inner vertical
1278 mode right before the \textfloatsep skip separating
1279 the floats from the text. Must occupy zero vertical
1280 space. (See \footnoterule.)
1282 botfigrule
1283 \setlength{\botfigrule}{LENGTH}
1284 Same as \topfigrule, but put after the \textfloatsep
1285 skip separating text from the floats at bottom of page.
1287 intextsep
1288 \setlength{\intextsep}{LENGTH}
1289 Space left on top and bottom of an in-text float.
1291 newpage
1292 \newpage
1293 Advance to a new page.
1294 \clearpage Output the unfinished table of images, if any,
1295 and clear page.
1296 \cleardoublepage Same as \clearpage except that when spread style
1297 (such as book), start a new page with odd page.
1298 \newpage Finish current column when twocolumn.
1300 clearpage
1301 \clearpage
1302 <refer newpage>
1304 cleardoublepage
1305 \cleardoublepage
1306 <refer newpage>
1308 length
1310 Here are the available units of length in TeX.
1311 cm centi meter
1312 em width of `M'
1313 ex height of `x'
1314 in inch (=2.54cm)
1315 mm mi.li meter
1316 pc pica(=12pt)
1317 pt point (72.27pt=1 inch)
1318 \fill Freely extendable length whose normal length is 0
1319 \stretch{X} X-times as long as \fill
1321 stretch
1322 \stretch{X}
1323 <refer length>
1325 twocolumn
1326 \twocolumn[STRING]
1327 Clear page and start two-column typesetting.
1328 Optional argument [STRING] specifies the page-acrossing title.
1330 If you want to output one-column title page with two-column body,
1331 describe like this;
1332 \twocolumn[
1333 \begin{titlepage}
1334 {\LARGE YourTitle}
1335 \vspace*{1em}
1336 \begin{abstract} Your Abstract blah blah... \end{abstract}
1337 \end{titlepage}
1340 ->onecolumn
1342 onecolumn
1343 \onecolumn
1344 Clear page and start one-column typesetting.
1345 ->twocolumn
1347 topnewpage
1348 \topnewpage{BOX}
1349 Begin a new page and create the parbox-ed BOX whose width is \textwidth.
1350 This is useful to make a page-acrossing title in a twocolumn page.
1352 breakbox
1353 \begin{breakbox} ... \end{breakbox}
1354 Make a surrounding frame extended across pages.
1355 Useful for cite a long program list.
1356 Requires `\usepackage{eclbkbox}'
1358 verbfile
1359 \verbfile{FILE}
1360 Include a FILE in verbatim format.
1361 Requires `\usepackage{misc}'
1362 See also \listing
1364 listing
1365 \listing{FILE}
1366 Include a FILE in verbatim format with line number.
1367 Requires `\usepackage{misc}'
1368 See also \verbfile
1370 ascmac
1371 \usepackage{ascmac}
1372 The `ascmac' package provides
1373 * \boxnote environment notebook-like box
1374 * \screen environment corner-rounded box suitable for screen output
1375 * \itembox environment itemizing box
1376 * \shadebox environment shaded box
1377 * \keytop macro keytop
1378 * \yen Yen mark
1379 * \return-key
1380 * \mask, \maskbox
1382 boxnote
1383 \begin{boxnote} ... \end{boxnote}
1384 Enclose with notebook-like square.
1385 Defined in ascmac.sty.
1387 <refer ascmac>
1389 screen
1390 \begin{screen} ... \end{screen}
1391 Enclose with corner-rounded square which stands for screen output.
1392 Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}'
1394 <refere ascmac>
1396 itembox
1397 \begin{itembox}{ITEMSTRING} ... \end{itembox}
1398 Enclose box with ITEMSTRING header.
1399 Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}'
1400 <refere ascmac>
1402 shadebox
1403 \begin{shadebox} ... \end{shadebox}
1404 Enclose shaded box.
1405 Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}'
1406 <refere ascmac>
1408 keytop
1409 \keytop{KEY}
1410 Output a keytop designed character.
1411 Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}'
1412 <refere ascmac>
1414 mask
1415 \mask{STRING}{MASKTYPE}
1416 Make a masked STRING. MASKTYPE is one of character A through K.
1418 eg.) \mask{This is a pen!}{C}
1420 Mask types are viewed at
1421 http://www.yatex.org/help/ascmac-mask.jpg
1423 Defined in `\usepackage{ascmac}'
1425 <refere ascmac>
1427 maskbox
1429 Make a masked box of WIDTH x HEIGHT which contains STRING located in POS.
1430 Masking type MASKTYPE is one of character A through K.
1432 eg.) \maskbox{5cm}{2.5em}{G}{c}{Year!}
1434 Mask types are viewed at
1435 http://www.yatex.org/help/ascmac-mask.jpg
1437 Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}'
1438 <refere ascmac>
1440 alltt
1441 \begin{alltt} ... \end{alltt}
1442 An environment like verbatim except in which TeX macro can be used.
1444 comment
1445 \begin{comment} ... \end{comment}
1446 Comment out enclosed environment.
1447 But if \includeversion{comment} appears, enclosed part activated.
1448 Putting \excludeversion{ENV} defines new environment ENV which
1449 works equivalently to comment environment.
1451 Requires `\usepackage{version}'
1453 bou
1454 \bou{STRING}
1455 Put the emphasizing dot on each characters in STRING.
1457 Requires `\usepackage{plext}'
1459 url
1460 \url{URL_STRING}
1461 Put URL string with reasonable folding.
1463 Requires `\usepackage{url}'
1465 longtable
1466 \begin{longtable}{POSSTRING} ... \end{longtable}
1467 Same as table, but can be spreaded across pages.
1469 Requires `\usepackage{longtable}'
1471 fancybox
1472 \usepackage{fancybox}
1473 Provides some fancy boxes.
1474 * \shadowbox{}
1475 * \ovalbox{}
1476 * \doublebox{}
1478 shadowbox
1479 \shadowbox{STRING}
1480 Surround a STRING by shadow box.
1482 Require `\usepackage{fancybox}`
1484 <ref fancybox>
1486 ovalbox
1487 \ovalbox{STRING}
1488 Surround a STRING by oval box
1490 Require `\usepackage{fancybox}`
1492 <ref fancybox>
1494 Ovalbox
1495 \Ovalbox{STRING}
1496 Surround a STRING by thick oval box.
1498 Require `\usepackage{fancybox}`
1500 <ref fancybox>
1502 doublebox
1503 \doublebox{STRING}
1504 Surround a STRING by double frame.
1506 Require `\usepackage{fancybox}`
1508 <ref fancybox>
1510 quote
1511 \begin{quote} ... \end{quote}
1512 quotation without paragraph
1514 quotation
1515 \begin{quotation} ... \end{quotation}
1516 quoted environment which might contains paragraphs
1518 textcircled
1519 \textcircled{CHAR}
1520 Enclose `char' with small circle. Because this circle is as large as one
1521 character, you had better encolose `CHAR' with {\small ...}, {\tiny ...},
1522 {\scriptsize ...}.
1524 hfill
1525 \hfill
1526 Insert a space as wide as possible. Same as \hspace{\fill}.
1528 foo\hfill bar
1529 produces;
1530 foo bar
1532 foo\hfill bar\hfill baz
1533 produces;
1534 foo bar baz
1536 \hfill can't produce space at the beginning of the line because \hfill
1537 is a kind of \hspace{}. If you make right-justified world in a line,
1538 write \hspace*{\fill}.
1540 hfil
1541 \hfil
1542 Same as \hfill, but little bit weak.
1544 vfill
1545 \vfill
1546 Make vertical space in utmost length , the same as \vspace{\fill}.
1547 cf. \hfill
1549 hrulefill
1550 \hrulefill
1551 Draw underline in utmost length.
1553 backslashbox
1554 \usepackage{slashbox} \backslashbox{A}{B}
1555 Draw a back-slash in a column of tabular.
1556 \begin{tabular}
1557 \hline
1558 \backslashbox{A}{B} & hoge \\ \hline
1559 \end{tabular}
1561 +----+--------+
1562 | \ B| |
1563 | A\ | hoge |
1564 +----+--------+
1567 slashbox
1568 \slashbox{A}{B}
1569 Draw long slash line in a column of tabular.
1570 See also backslashbox.
1572 ooalign
1573 {\ooalign{String1\crcr String2...}
1574 Set line spacing to zero and shift to double-strike mode.
1575 This can be used for generating circled character.
1576 Look this;
1578 \newcommand{\maru}[1]{{\ooalign {\hfill$\scriptstyle#1$\hfill\crcr$\bigcirc$}}}
1580 \crcr is the equivalent of \\ for tabulars.
1581 Note that \ooalign change the spacing parameters. So you should enclose
1582 \ooalign itself with { }.
1584 maru
1585 \maru{R}
1586 Circle one character.
1587 Declare the \newcommand as below;
1588 \newcommand{\maru}[1]{{\ooalign {\hfill$\scriptstyle#1$\hfill\crcr$\bigcirc$}}}
1590 today
1591 \date{\today}
1592 Use this as the argument of \date{}.
1593 Set the document's date in title to today.
1595 NamedColor
1596 \textcolor[named]{COLOR}{TEXT}, for example.
1597 With `\usepackage{color}', you can use colors listed below.
1599 GreenYellow Yellow Goldenrod Dandelion Apricot Peach Melon YellowOrange
1600 Orange BurntOrange Bittersweet RedOrange Mahogany Maroon BrickRed Red
1601 OrangeRed RubineRed WildStrawberry Salmon CarnationPink Magenta
1602 VioletRed Rhodamine Mulberry RedViolet Fuchsia Lavender Thistle
1603 OrchidDarkOrchid Purple Plum Violet RoyalPurple BlueViolet Periwinkle
1604 CadetBlue CornflowerBlue MidnightBlue NavyBlue RoyalBlue Blue Cerulean
1605 Cyan ProcessBlue SkyBlue Turquoise TealBlue Aquamarine BlueGreen Emerald
1606 JungleGreen SeaGreen Green ForestGreen PineGreen LimeGreen YellowGreen
1607 SpringGreen OliveGreen RawSienna Sepia Brown Tan Gray Black White)
1609 See also http://www.yatex.org/help/color.tex
1611 textcolor
1612 \textcolor{COLOR}{TEXT}
1613 Put the TEXT colored with COLOR.
1615 <refer NamedColor>
1617 pagecolor
1618 \pagecolor{COLOR}
1619 Set background color of the page to COLOR.
1621 <refer NamedColor>
1623 color
1624 \color{COLOR}
1625 Set text color of the page to COLOR.
1627 <refer NamedColor>
1629 colorbox
1630 \colorbox{COLOR}{TEXT}
1631 Put TEXT in the box whose background color is COLRO.
1633 <refer NamedColor>
1635 fcolorbox
1636 \fcolorbox{FCOLOR}{BGCOLOR}{TEXT}
1637 Put text int the box whose frame color is FCOLOR and background BGCOLOR.
1639 <refer NamedColor>
1641 rotatebox
1642 \rotatebox{ANGLE}{TEXT}
1643 Put TEXT with rotated by ANGLE-degrees, unclockwise.
1644 Require `\usepackage{graphicx}'.
1646 resizebox
1647 \resizebox{WIDTH}{HEIGHT}{TEXT}
1648 Put TEXT enlarging/shrinking to WIDTH and HEIGHT.
1649 You can omit either of WIDHT or HEIGHT. In that case, specify `!'.
1650 \resizebox{!}{40mm}{TEXT} outputs TEXT with 40mm in height.
1651 Require `\usepackage{graphicx}'.
1653 scalebox
1654 \scalebox{MAG}[V-MAG]{TEXT}
1655 Put TEXT maginifiyng by MAG. V-MAG for vertical magnification factor is
1656 optional. Negative values for magnification factor flip the TEXT
1657 in that direction.
1659 Require `\usepackage{graphicx}'.
1661 reflectbox
1662 \reflectbox{TEXT}
1663 Flip TEXT horizontally.
1664 Equivalent to \scalebox{-1}[1]{TEXT}.
1665 Require `\usepackage{graphicx}'.
1667 ulem
1668 \usepackage{ulem}
1669 \usepackage{ulem}
1670 The `ulem' package provides macros listed below.
1671 \uline{Underlined Text}
1672 \uwave{Waved-Unlderlined Text}
1673 \uuline{Double Underlined Text}
1675 (Information by TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp>)
1676 uline
1677 \uline{TEXT}
1678 Put TEXT with underline.
1680 <refer ulem>
1682 uwave
1683 \uwave{TEXT}
1684 Put TEXT with waved underline.
1686 <refer ulem>
1688 uuline
1689 \uuline{TEXT}
1690 Put TEXT with double underline.
1692 <refer ulem>
1693 showkeys.sty
1694 \usepackage[options]{showkeys}
1695 In margin area, output `(?)' marks for unlabeled math-expressions,
1696 `?label?' marks for unreferred labels.
1697 Optional arguments are one of;
1698 showrefs, norefs, showcites, nocites, msgs, nomsgs, chkunlbld,
1699 ignoreunlbld.
1700 msgs/nomsgs specifies whether output messages in *.log file or not.
1702 `\usepackage{showkeys}' should be located before the declaration
1703 for AMS-LaTeX or HyperRef, if any.
1705 Another style `refcheck.sty' can also output labeling information
1706 including `\ref{***}' macros themselves.
1708 (Information by Masaki Shigemori <mshige@ucla.edu>)
1710 table*
1711 \begin{table*} ... \end{table*}
1712 Put tabular in one column at the top of page even if in twocolumn mode.
1714 figure*
1715 \begin{figure*} ... \end{figure*}
1716 Put figure in one column at the top of page even if in twocolumn mode.
1717 If you put figure bottom of page instead of top, use nidanfloat.sty
1718 instead.
1719 \begin{figure*}[b]
1720 \includegraphics{blahblahblah}
1721 \caption{foo bar baz}
1722 \end{figure*}
1724 includegraphics
1725 \usepackage{graphicx} ... \includegraphics[Options]{graphicfile.eps}
1726 Include graphics。Requires `graphicx' package.
1727 Possible [Options] are as follows.
1728 scale=X
1729 width=W
1730 height=H
1731 draft (Frame only)
1732 angle=R
1733 origin=RotationOrigin (One of `c', `tl', `tr', `bl' or `br')
1734 bb=llx lly urx ury (Specify BoundingBox)
1735 viewport=llx lly urx ury (Rerative to BoundingBox)
1736 trim=left bottom right top
1738 abstract
1739 \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract}
1740 Output abstract
1742 \langle
1743 $\langle$
1745 `<' in math-modes.
1747 \langle
1748 $rlangle$
1750 `>' in math-modes.
1752 \slash
1753 \slash
1754 slash(/) itself.
1756 \textbackslash
1757 \textbackslash
1758 backslash(\) itself.
1760 YaTeX
1761 (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.tex$" . yatex-mode) auto-mode-alist))
1762 The mode you are probably using now.
1763 Bells and whistles for using LaTeX at a breeze.
1765 [pronunciation]
1766 ``ya-tek'' for programs as yatex.el, ``ya-cho'' when referring to the
1767 whole system. ``ya-cho'' in Japanese stands for ``wild bird''
1770 yatex
1771 (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.tex$" . yatex-mode) auto-mode-alist))
1772 <refer YaTeX>