yuuji@70: %%% yuuji@70: %%% YaTeX-LaTeX Help File(c)HIROSE Yuuji [yuuji@yatex.org] yuuji@70: %%% You can translate this file for any device other than YaTeX via yuuji@70: %%% any filter program. But it is not allowed to remove copyright yuuji@80: %%% notice and any existing dictionary entiries which describes the yuuji@80: %%% source of this file. yuuji@70: %%% yuuji@70: yuuji@51: textfloatsep yuuji@51: \addtolength{\textfloatsep}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Length between the text and a float at the top or bottom of page yuuji@51: yuuji@51: floatsep yuuji@51: \addtolength{\floatsep}{LENGTH} yuuji@51: Length between two floats yuuji@51: yuuji@51: oddsidemargin yuuji@51: \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Length between text and a line 1 inch from the left of page, on the yuuji@54: right page yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: pagestyle yuuji@54: \pagestyle{STYLE} yuuji@54: Determines header and footer styles on output page. There are the yuuji@54: following styles yuuji@54: plain Standard style. Page number only in footer. yuuji@54: empty No headers or footers are output. yuuji@54: headings Puts page number and headings according to section in header. yuuji@54: No footer is output. yuuji@54: myheadings User defines what goes into headings using \markbpth and \markright yuuji@51: yuuji@51: thispagestyle yuuji@54: \thispagestyle{STYLE} yuuji@54: Determines the STYLE for the current page only yuuji@51: yuuji@51: pagenumbering yuuji@54: \pagenumbering{STYLE} yuuji@54: Determines the STYLE of page numbers. Type of STYLEs are, yuuji@54: arabic arabic numerals yuuji@54: alph lowercase alphabets yuuji@54: Alph uppercase alphabets yuuji@54: roman lowercase roman numerals yuuji@54: Roman uppercase roman numerals yuuji@51: yuuji@51: shortstack yuuji@54: \shortstack[POSITION]{TEXT\\TO BE\\STACKED} yuuji@54: Stack and display contents within {}, separated by \\. yuuji@54: Possible [POSITION]s are, l(left), c(center), r(right). yuuji@51: yuuji@51: newlength yuuji@51: \newlength{NAME} yuuji@54: Declare NAME as a length command. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: addtolength yuuji@54: \addtolength{LENGTH COMMAND}{VALUE} yuuji@54: Adds VALUE to LENGTH COMMAND. yuuji@54: See \setlength for major style parameters. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: setlength yuuji@54: \setlength{LENGTH COMMAND}{VALUE} yuuji@54: Set the value of LENGTH COMMAND to VALUE. yuuji@54: Major style parameters are: yuuji@54: (Style parameters must be changed in the preamble) yuuji@51: \evensidemargin \footheight \footskip \headheight yuuji@51: \headsep \marginparsep \marginparwidth \oddsidemargin yuuji@51: \textheight \textwidth \topmargin \topskip yuuji@51: \parindent \baselineskip \baselinestretch \parskip yuuji@51: \columnsep \columnseprule \mathindent yuuji@51: yuuji@51: settowidth{\NAME}{TEXT} yuuji@54: Set the value of \NAME to the width of \hbox{TEXT}. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: evensidemargin yuuji@51: \setlength{\evensidemargin}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Length between body and a line 1 inch from the left of page, on the yuuji@54: left page. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: footheight yuuji@51: \setlength{\footheight}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Height of footer. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: footskip yuuji@51: \setlength{\footskip}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Length between bottom of body and footer. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: headheight yuuji@51: \addtolength{\headheight}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Height of header. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: headsep yuuji@51: \setlength{\headsep}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Length between top of body and header. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: marginparsep yuuji@51: \addtolength{\marginparsep}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Length between the body and marginal notes yuuji@51: yuuji@51: marginparwidth yuuji@51: \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Width of marginal notes. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: oddsidemargin yuuji@51: \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Length between body and a line 1 inch from the left of page, on the yuuji@54: right page. yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: textheight yuuji@51: \addtolength{\textheight}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Height of text. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: textwidth yuuji@51: \addtolength{\textwidth}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Width of body. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: topmargin yuuji@51: \addtolength{\topmargin}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Length between the header and a line one inch from the top of the page. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: topskip yuuji@51: \addtolength{\topskip}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Length between top of the body to the first line of the text. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: parindent yuuji@51: \setlength{\parindent}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Width of indentation at the beginning of a paragraph. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: linewidth yuuji@51: \addtolength{\linewidth}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Width of lines. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: baselineskip yuuji@51: \addtolength{baselineskip}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Minimum height between baselines (bottom of a line). yuuji@51: yuuji@51: baselinestretch yuuji@51: \renewcommand{baselinestretch}{1.5} yuuji@54: Value to multiply \baselineskip. (default is 1) yuuji@54: (* Redefine using \renewcommand. Don't use \setlength. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: parskip yuuji@51: \addtolength{\parskip}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Vertical space before a paragraph. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: columnsep yuuji@51: \addtolength{\columnsep}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Width between columns in a two column environment. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: columnseprule yuuji@51: \addtolength{\columnseprule}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Width of ruler to separate columns in a two column environment. yuuji@54: (default is 0pt) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: columnwidth yuuji@51: \addtolength{\columnwidth}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: (\textwidth - \columnsep)/2 in a two column environment. yuuji@54: Otherwise, equal to \textwidth. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: mathindent yuuji@51: \addtolength{mathindent}{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Width of indentation of a equation from the left margin, when fleqn is yuuji@54: defined as style option. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: LaTeX yuuji@51: \LaTeX yuuji@54: Display \LaTeX logo. Definition of \LaTeX is; yuuji@51: \def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em yuuji@51: T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: fragile yuuji@54: ** LaTeX term ** yuuji@54: Any command which expanded result changes by an argument. yuuji@54: Opposite is a robust command. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: robust yuuji@54: ** LaTeX term ** yuuji@54: Commands which expanded results are always the same. yuuji@54: Font type/size selection commands, length commands, and most commands yuuji@54: used within math mode is robust. yuuji@54: (maketitle type commands that don't take any arguments) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: protect yuuji@54: \protect `a fragile command' yuuji@54: Commands that the result changes according to it's arguments are yuuji@54: called "fragile commands". When an argument is referenced in more yuuji@54: than one place, the command is said to "take a moving argument". yuuji@54: chapter and caption, whose argument will be used in the table of yuuji@54: contents, or an @ in an tabular/array environment are examples. yuuji@51: yuuji@54: When a "fragile command" is used in a "moving argument", it must be yuuji@54: preceded by a \protect. Following is an example. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \newcommand{\thissystem}[1]{YaTeX version #1} yuuji@54: \chapter{About \protect \thissystem{1.50}} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: newcommand yuuji@54: \newcommand{\NAME}[ARGS]{DEF} yuuji@54: Define a macro \NAME as DEF, taking ARGS number of arguments. The nth yuuji@54: argument will be referred as #n in the definition. yuuji@54: If used as yuuji@51: \newcommand{\foo}[1]{\underline{#1}} yuuji@54: \foo{bar} will be expanded to \underline{bar}. When a font selection yuuji@54: command is used as yuuji@51: \newcommand{\foo}[1]{\bf #1} yuuji@54: \foo{bar} will be expanded as \bf bar in the text, so, it must be used as yuuji@51: \newcommand{\foo}[1]{{\bf #1}} yuuji@51: yuuji@54: If NAME is already defined as a macro, it will return an error. To yuuji@54: redefine, use \renewcommand. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: renewcommand yuuji@54: \renewcommand{\NAME}[ARGS]{DEF} yuuji@54: Redefine an already defined command. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: newenvironment yuuji@54: \newenvironment{NAME}[ARGS]{DEF1}{DEF2} yuuji@54: Define a new environment. yuuji@54: \begin{NAME} will be replaced by DEF1 and \end{NAME} will be replaced yuuji@54: by DEF2. Same as yuuji@54: \newcommand{\NAME}{DEF1} \def{\end{\NAME}}{DEF2} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: renewenvironment yuuji@54: \renewenvironment{NAME}[ARGS]{DEF1}{DEF2} yuuji@54: Redefine an environment NAME that already exists. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: typeout yuuji@54: \typeout{MESSAGE} yuuji@54: Output MESSAGE to the terminal while typesetting. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: typein yuuji@54: \typein{MESSAGE} \typein[\MACRO]{MESSAGE} yuuji@54: Output MESSAGE to terminal and execute the input. yuuji@54: In the second form, \MACRO will be defined as the input. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: par yuuji@51: \par yuuji@54: Used to separate paragraphs. Same as a blank line. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: everypar yuuji@51: \everypar yuuji@51: RTFM yuuji@51: yuuji@51: nopagebreak yuuji@51: \nopagebreak[i] (i = 0,1,2,3,4) yuuji@54: Prevents pages to be broken by the strength of i. (default is 4) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: pagebreak yuuji@51: \pagebreak[i] (i = 0,1,2,3,4) yuuji@54: Forces pages to be broken by the strength of i. (default is 4) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: linebreak yuuji@51: \linebreak[i] (i = 0,1,2,3,4) yuuji@54: Forces lines to be broken by the strength of i. (default is 4) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: nolinebreak yuuji@51: \nolinebreak[i] (i = 0,1,2,3,4) yuuji@54: Prevents lines to be broken by the strength of i. (default is 4) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: samepage yuuji@51: \samepage yuuji@54: Prevents page to be broken. yuuji@51: RTFM yuuji@51: yuuji@51: obeycr yuuji@51: \obeycr yuuji@54: Define as \\. see \restorecr yuuji@51: yuuji@51: restorecr yuuji@51: \restorecr yuuji@54: Restore 's definition changed by \obeycr. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \ yuuji@54: \\ \\[LENGTH] yuuji@54: yuuji@54: Breaks a line at any given point. Same as \newline if used within a yuuji@54: paragraph. If an option argument LENGTH is given, vertical space to yuuji@54: next line will be \vspace{LENGTH}. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: addvspace yuuji@54: \addvspace{SKIP} yuuji@54: Adds space equal to SKIP to vertical space. If more than one values yuuji@54: are given as \addvspace{S1} \addvspace{S2}, it will be the same as yuuji@54: \addvspace{the larger of S1, S2}. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: vspace yuuji@54: \vspace{LENGTH} \vspace*{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Adds vertical space of LENGTH. yuuji@54: \vspace* will add space at any given position, but \vspace will not yuuji@54: add at beginning or end of a page. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: vspace* yuuji@54: \vspace{LENGTH} \vspace*{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Adds vertical space of LENGTH. yuuji@54: \vspace* will add space at any given position, but \vspace will not yuuji@54: add at beginning or end of a page. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: hspace yuuji@54: \hspace{LENGTH} \hspace*{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Adds horizontal space of LENGTH. yuuji@54: \hspace* will add space at any given position, but \hspace will not add yuuji@54: at beginning or end of a line. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: hspace* yuuji@54: \hspace{LENGTH} \hspace*{LENGTH} yuuji@54: Adds horizontal space of LENGTH. yuuji@54: \hspace* will add space at any given position, but \hspace will not add yuuji@54: at beginning or end of a line. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: smallskip yuuji@51: \smallskip yuuji@54: Put a small vertical space. yuuji@51: \def\smallskip{\vspace\smallskipamount} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: medskip yuuji@51: \medskip yuuji@54: Put a medium vertical space. yuuji@51: \def\medskip{\vspace\medskipamount} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: bigskip yuuji@51: \bigskip yuuji@54: Put a big vertical skip. yuuji@51: \def\bigskip{\vspace\bigskipamount} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: , yuuji@51: \, yuuji@54: Opens a thin space. Can be used in paragraph mode, LR mode, or math mode. yuuji@54: Used to write a quote within a quote. yuuji@54: example: ``\,`Foo', he said.'' yuuji@54: Spaces that can be used in math mode are: yuuji@54: \: medium space yuuji@54: \! negative and thin space yuuji@54: \; thick space yuuji@51: yuuji@51: : yuuji@51: $\:$ yuuji@54: Medium space. Math mode only. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: ! yuuji@51: $\!$ yuuji@54: Negative thin space. Math mode only. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: ; yuuji@51: $\;$ yuuji@54: Thick space. Math mode only. yuuji@51: yuuji@54: whiledo{TEST}{BODY} yuuji@54: Repeat BODY while TEST is true. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: nofiles yuuji@51: \nofiles yuuji@54: If \nofiles is in the preamble, .aux, .idx, .lof, .lot, .toc files will yuuji@54: not be made. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: includeonly yuuji@51: \includeonly{sub1} \includeonly{sub1,sub3} yuuji@54: Appoints actual files to be read and processed by \include{}. (.tex can yuuji@54: be suppressed) yuuji@54: Files not given in the argument list of \includeonly will not be yuuji@54: processed at all. If the file has been processed before, it will be yuuji@54: treated as if there were no changes from then. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: include yuuji@51: \include{FILE} yuuji@54: Same as yuuji@51: \clearpage \input{FILE} \clearpage yuuji@51: yuuji@51: input yuuji@51: \input{FILE} yuuji@54: Process as if FILE.tex has been inserted at that point. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: setcounter yuuji@51: \setcounter{FOO}{VAL} yuuji@54: Set counter FOO's value to VAL. yuuji@51: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@51: addtocounter yuuji@51: \addtocounter{FOO}{VAL} yuuji@54: Add value VAL to counter FOO. yuuji@51: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@51: newcounter yuuji@51: \newcounter{COUNTER}[OLDCTR] yuuji@54: Defines a new counter COUNTER. yuuji@54: If an optional argument OLDCTR is given, COUNTER's value will be reset yuuji@54: every time OLDCTR's value is changed by \stepcounter or \addtocounter. yuuji@51: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: How to Introduce new counter yuuji@80: You'll get `Question n.' increasing n with \mondai, by setting as below. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: \newcounter{toi} yuuji@80: \renewcommand{\thetoi}{Question \arabic{toi}.~ } yuuji@80: \setcounter{toi}{0} yuuji@80: \newcommand{\mondai}{\refstepcounter{toi}\thetoi} yuuji@80: yuuji@51: value yuuji@51: \value{COUNTER} yuuji@54: Returns value of COUNTER. Must not be preceded by \protect. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: stepcounter yuuji@51: \stepcounter{FOO} yuuji@54: Increments value of counter FOO. Also resets any counter dependent to FOO. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: refstepcounter yuuji@51: \refstepcounter{FOO} yuuji@54: Increments value of counter FOO. Also resets any counter dependent to yuuji@54: FOO. Defers with \stepcounter as; if \label{hoge} follows immediately yuuji@54: after \refstepcounter{FOO}, \ref{hoge}'s value will be set to \value{FOO}. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: arabic yuuji@51: \arabic{COUNTER} yuuji@54: Output COUNTER's value in arabic numerals. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: roman yuuji@51: \roman{COUNTER} yuuji@54: Output COUNTER's value in lower case roman numerals. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: Roman yuuji@51: \Roman{COUNTER} yuuji@54: Output COUNTER's value in upper case roman numerals. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: alph yuuji@51: \alph{COUNTER} yuuji@54: Output COUNTER's value in lower case alphabet. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: Alph yuuji@51: \Alph{COUNTER} yuuji@54: Output COUNTER's value in upper case alphabet. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: fnsymbol yuuji@51: \fnsymbol{COUNTER} yuuji@54: Output COUNTER's value in footnote symbols (1 = *, 2 = \dagger, ...). yuuji@54: Math mode only. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: label yuuji@51: \label{LABEL} yuuji@54: Set value of LABEL to \ref VALUE. yuuji@54: This value is referred by \ref{VALUE}. \pageref{LABEL} refers to the yuuji@54: page number \label{LABEL} exists. yuuji@54: ``\ref VALUEs'' are, section commands as \section, \item commands within yuuji@54: an enumerate environment, values set by a theorem environment. For yuuji@54: example, immediately after a \item of a enumerate environment, the item yuuji@54: number will be the ``\ref VALUE''. \label{LABEL} will set the item yuuji@54: number to LABEL. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: ref yuuji@51: \ref{LABEL} yuuji@54: Refer to LABEL's value set by \label{LABEL}. yuuji@54: Examples of values returned are; page numbers for LABELs set in the main yuuji@54: text, table numbers for LABELs set in a table, and the item number for yuuji@54: LABELs set in an item of the enumerate environment. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: pageref yuuji@80: \pageref{LABEL} yuuji@54: Refer to the page number where \label{LABEL} exists. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: ( yuuji@54: \( EQUATION \) yuuji@54: Produce an in-text equation. yuuji@54: Same as yuuji@54: \begin{math} EQUATION \end{math} yuuji@54: \( and \) are fragile. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: ) yuuji@51: \( x^2 = 4 \) yuuji@54: Produce an in-text equation. yuuji@54: Same as yuuji@54: \begin{math} EQUATION \end{math} yuuji@54: \( and \) are fragile. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: [ yuuji@54: \[ EQUATION \] yuuji@54: Produce an equation in display mode. yuuji@54: Same as yuuji@54: \begin{displaymath} EQUATION \end{displaymath} yuuji@54: \[ and \] are fragile. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: ) yuuji@54: \[ EQUATION \] yuuji@54: Produce an equation in display mode. yuuji@54: Same as yuuji@54: \begin{displaymath} EQUATION \end{displaymath} yuuji@54: \[ and \] are fragile. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: equation yuuji@54: \begin{equation} EQUATION \end{equation} yuuji@54: Produce a numbered equation in displaymath mode. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: eqnarray yuuji@54: \begin{eqnarray} EQNS \end{eqnarray} yuuji@54: Produce equations aligned in three columns. The columns are separated by yuuji@54: & as ``left member & sign & right member''. For example, yuuji@51: \begin{eqnarray} yuuji@51: 3x + 2y & = & 4 \\ yuuji@51: x - 4y & = & -5 yuuji@51: \end{eqnarray} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: eqnarray* yuuji@54: \begin{eqnarray*} EQNS \end{eqnarray*} yuuji@54: Same as eqnarray, except no equation numbers are produced. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: frac yuuji@54: \frac{NUMER}{DENOM} yuuji@54: Produce a fraction as yuuji@54: NUMER yuuji@54: ------ yuuji@54: DENOM yuuji@54: Same as {NUMER \over DENOM} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: sqrt yuuji@54: \sqrt[N]{EQUATION} yuuji@54: Produces the Nth power of EQUATION. Gives a square root if [N] is not given. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: lefteqn yuuji@54: \lefteqn{EQUATION} yuuji@54: In display math mode, presume EQUATION has zero width and print it flush left. yuuji@54: Used in eqnarray environment when the left member is too long and needs yuuji@54: folding. yuuji@51: \begin{eqnarray} yuuji@51: \lefteqn{a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n =} \\ yuuji@51: & & a_1 + b_1 + \cdots + z_1 + \\ yuuji@51: & & b_2 + c+2 + \cdost + z_2 yuuji@51: \end{eqnarray} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: center yuuji@54: \begin{center} TEXT \end{center} yuuji@54: Center TEXT. Each line must be separated by \\. yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: flushright yuuji@54: \begin{flushright} TEXT \end{flushright} yuuji@54: Align end of each line with right margin. Each line must be separated by \\. yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: flushleft yuuji@54: \begin{flushleft} TEXT \end{flushleft} yuuji@54: Align start of each line with left margin. \\ can be given to decide yuuji@54: point of line break. Otherwise lines will be broken at an appropriate yuuji@54: length. yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: centering yuuji@51: \centering yuuji@54: Produce a centered paragraph. yuuji@54: Declared at the beginning of a table/figura environment, it will center yuuji@54: until the end of the environment. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: raggedright yuuji@51: \raggedright yuuji@54: Produce flush-left paragraphs. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: raggedleft yuuji@51: \raggedleft yuuji@54: Produce flush-right paragraphs. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: raggedbottom yuuji@51: \raggedbottom yuuji@54: Allow height of each page to vary. yuuji@54: Declared in the preamble. yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: flushbottom yuuji@51: \flushbottom yuuji@54: Make all text pages the same height. yuuji@54: Declared in the preamble. yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: sloppy yuuji@51: \sloppy yuuji@54: Always breaks the line at the right-hand margin, but allows too much yuuji@54: space between words. yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: fussy yuuji@51: \fussy yuuji@54: Return to normal line breaking. yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: sloppypar yuuji@54: \begin{sloppypar} PARAGRAPH \end{sloppypar} yuuji@54: Produce PARAGRAPH in \sloppy. yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: verbatim yuuji@51: \begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim} yuuji@51: The verbatim environment uses the fixed-width \tt font, turns blanks into yuuji@54: spaces, starts a new line for each carriage return (or sequence of yuuji@51: consecutive carriage returns), and interprets EVERY character literally. yuuji@51: I.e., all special characters \, {, $, etc. are \catcode'd to 'other'. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: verbatim* yuuji@51: \begin{verbatim*} ... \end{verbatim*} yuuji@54: The verbatim* environment is the same to verbatim, except that spaces yuuji@54: print as the TeXbook's space character instead of as blank spaces. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: list yuuji@54: \begin{list}{LABEL}{PARAMETER} ... \end{list} yuuji@54: Enter list environment. Each \item will be listed with an indent. yuuji@54: First argument gives the default label when \item's optional argument is yuuji@54: omitted. Second argument gives parameters to be processed for each item. yuuji@54: example: yuuji@51: \begin{list}% yuuji@51: {$\diamond$} yuuji@51: {\addtolength{\leftmargin}{4em}} yuuji@54: \item First argument is the default label when \verb|\item|'s optional yuuji@54: argument is given. yuuji@54: \item Second argument will be processed for each item. yuuji@54: \item[*] If a optional argument is given such as this, it will be the label. yuuji@51: \end{list} yuuji@51: yuuji@54: Variables to control the list environment are as follow; (default value) yuuji@54: horizontal: yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@54: variables to control list environment yuuji@54: \labelwidth width of label yuuji@54: \labelsep space between right of label and text of first item yuuji@54: \leftmargin left margin within list environment yuuji@54: \rightmargin right margin within list environment (0pt) yuuji@54: \itemindent width of indent preceding item (0pt) yuuji@54: \linewidth width of line yuuji@54: \listparindent indent for each paragraph (except first paragraph with \item) yuuji@54: (0pt) yuuji@51: yuuji@54: vertical: yuuji@54: \topsep space between last paragraph before list environment and yuuji@54: first item yuuji@54: \partopsep space added to \topsep when starting a new paragraph in list yuuji@54: environment yuuji@54: \itemsep space between successive items yuuji@54: \parsep space between paragraphs within the same item yuuji@51: yuuji@51: itemize yuuji@54: \begin{itemize} \item ITEM1 ... \item ITEMn \end{itemize} yuuji@54: Produce a bulleted list. yuuji@54: Can be nested to four levels. yuuji@54: ``bullets'' shown at top of each item of the four levels are controlled yuuji@54: by \labelitemi, \labelitemii, \labelitemiii, \labelitemiv. yuuji@51: yuuji@54: Variables to control the itemize environment are; yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: enumerate yuuji@54: \begin{enumerate} \item ITEM1 ... \item ITEMn \end{enumerate} yuuji@54: Produce a numbered list. yuuji@54: Can be nested to four levels. yuuji@54: Numbers for items on each level are held in enumi, enumii, enumiii, enumiv. yuuji@54: Each item's label are produced by \labelenumi, ..., \labelenumiv. yuuji@54: \p@enumN\theenumN will set \ref's value. (N is the depth of level. yuuji@54: refer \ref for value of \ref) yuuji@54: For example, if declared yuuji@51: \def\theenumii{\alph{enumii}} yuuji@51: \def\p@enumii{\theenumi\theenumii} yuuji@51: \def\labelenumii{(\theenumii)} yuuji@54: \ref's value will be 3a. yuuji@51: yuuji@54: Variables to control enumerate environment are, yuuji@54: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: item yuuji@51: \item \item[LABEL] yuuji@54: Start an item in itemize, enumerate, description environment. yuuji@54: Output LABEL if [LABEL] is given. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: description yuuji@54: \begin{description} \item[LABEL] CONTENTS ... \end{description} yuuji@54: Produce [LABEL] as a label. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: subitem yuuji@54: \subitem ITEM yuuji@54: Define a subitem. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: subsubitem yuuji@54: \subsubitem ITEM yuuji@54: Define a subsubitem. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: makebox yuuji@54: \makebox[WID][POS]{OBJECT} \makebox(X,Y)[POS]{OBJECT} yuuji@54: First form will place OBJECT at position POS and width WID in a \box. yuuji@80: For POS, object will be placed flush-left if `l', flush-right if `r', yuuji@80: splattering words in the same space if `s', and centered if nothing is given yuuji@80: in the second form, object will be placed in a \hbox sized (X,Y) (in yuuji@54: \unitlength) within a picture environment. POS is the same as the first form. yuuji@51: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@51: mbox yuuji@54: \mbox{OBJECT} yuuji@54: Same as \makebox{OBJECT}. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: newsavebox yuuji@51: \newsavebox{\CMD} yuuji@54: Define a new box saving command. \CMD is used in a \savebox command to yuuji@54: save boxes. Commands defined by \newsavebox are always global. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: savebox yuuji@54: \savebox{\CMD}{TEXT} yuuji@54: Save results of TEXT in \CMD to be boxed. yuuji@54: TEXT is the same as the argument of \makebox, but the results of yuuji@54: processing TEXT is not displayed in-place. Boxes processed by yuuji@54: \usebox{\CMD} will be placed. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: sbox yuuji@54: \sbox{\CMD}{TEXT} yuuji@54: Same as \savebox. \sbox is robust, and \savebox is fragile. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: framebox yuuji@80: \framebox[WID][POS]{OBJECT} \framebox(X,Y)[POS]{OBJECT} yuuji@54: Do the same thing as \makebox with a frame. yuuji@54: The frame's width and space between the object are decided by \framerule yuuji@54: and \framesep. If used as \framebox(X,Y){OBJECT} in a picture yuuji@54: environment, width of frame will be dependant to the picture yuuji@54: environment's line width, and space between the object and frame can not yuuji@54: be opened. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: fbox yuuji@54: \fbox{OBJECT} yuuji@54: Same as \framebox{OBJECT}. yuuji@54: \fbox is robust, \framebox fragile. yuuji@51: yuuji@80: Rule width of \fbox can be controled by setting \fboxrule yuuji@80: yuuji@80: { yuuji@80: \fboxrule=2\fboxrule yuuji@80: \fbox{contents of double width of rule} yuuji@80: } yuuji@80: yuuji@51: parbox yuuji@51: \parbox[POS]{WIDTH}{TEXT} yuuji@54: Make a box of width WIDTH using TEXT. The box's position by POS is; yuuji@54: c : centering (default) yuuji@54: b : bottom of box matches present text yuuji@54: t : top of box matches present text yuuji@51: yuuji@54: In \parbox, parameters will be reset as; yuuji@51: \parskip = 0pt yuuji@51: \linewidth = \hsize yuuji@51: \@totalleftmargin = 0pt yuuji@51: \leftskip = 0pt yuuji@51: \rightskip = 0pt yuuji@51: \@rightskip = 0pt yuuji@51: \parfillskip = 0pt plus 1fil yuuji@51: \lineskip = \normallineskip yuuji@51: \baselineskip = \normalbaselineskip yuuji@51: yuuji@51: minipage yuuji@51: \begin{minipage}[pos]{WIDTH} TEXT \end{minipage} yuuji@54: Make a box of width WIDTH using TEXT as \parbox. The box's position by yuuji@54: POS is; yuuji@54: c : centering (default) yuuji@54: b : bottom of box matches present text yuuji@54: t : top of box matches present text yuuji@54: TEXT will be processed as a normal paragraph, differing from \parbox. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: rule yuuji@51: \rule[RAISED]{WIDTH}{HEIGHT} yuuji@54: Make a rule of WIDTH x HEIGHT. If RAISED is given, will be raised that yuuji@54: amount. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: underline yuuji@51: \underline{TEXT} yuuji@54: Underline TEXT. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: raisebox yuuji@51: \raisebox{DISTANCE}[HEIGHT][DEPTH]{BOX} yuuji@54: Raise BOX by DISTANCE. yuuji@54: If HEIGHT and DEPTH are given, TeX will take it as the height and depth yuuji@54: of the box. yuuji@54: (see TeXBook for more info) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: tabbing yuuji@51: \begin{tabbing} \= text1.1 \= text1.2 \\ \> text2.1 \> text2.2 \end{tabbing} yuuji@54: Creates an environment of aligned columns (nesting allowed). For example, yuuji@51: \begin{tabbing} yuuji@54: \= ITEM1 \hspace*{2em} \= ITEM2 \hspace*{3em} \= ITEM3 \\ yuuji@54: \> aabbcc \> ddeeff \> gghhii \+ \\ yuuji@54: \> jjkkll \> mmnnoo \\ yuuji@54: \> ppqqrr \- \\ yuuji@54: \> ssttuu \> vvwwxx \> yyzzzz yuuji@51: \end{tabbing} yuuji@54: will be processed with three tab stops as, yuuji@54: (1st item) (2nd item) (3rd item) yuuji@54: aabbcc ddeeff gghhii yuuji@54: jjkkll mmnnoo yuuji@54: ppqqrr yuuji@54: ssttuu vvwwxx yyzzzz yuuji@54: \2em/ \3em/ yuuji@54: Commands to control the tabbing environment are; (n starts from 1) yuuji@54: \= Sets the nth tab stop position to the current position and increment yuuji@54: the tab counter (n) by 1. yuuji@54: \\ Start a new line and reset the tab counter (n=1) yuuji@54: \> Set the position to the nth tab stop and increment the tab counter by 1. yuuji@54: \+ Add 1 to the next line's tab counter's initial value. If written as yuuji@54: \+ \\, the next line's \> will give the position of the second tab yuuji@54: stop. Multiple \+ will accumulate tab counter's initial value. yuuji@54: yuuji@54: \- Reverse of \+. Decrease initial value of tab counter for next line yuuji@54: by 1. yuuji@54: \< Decrease value of tab counter by 1 and set the tab stop. Can be yuuji@54: only used at the beginning of a line. yuuji@54: \' Output at a position \tabbinsep right from the normal tab stop. yuuji@54: \` Output remaining text flush-right. yuuji@54: \pushtabs Push all tab stop positions being used. yuuji@54: \poptabs Push all tab stop positions being used. \pushtabs and \poptabs yuuji@54: must be used in pairs. Nesting allowed. yuuji@54: \aX In a tabbing environment, accents are produced by \a=, \a', \a` yuuji@52: \kill Without outputting text, parse tabbing definition. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: array yuuji@51: \begin{array}{PREAMBLE} C1 & C2 & .. & Cn \\ D1 ... \end{array} yuuji@51: Make a mathematical array. Useful to make matrix. yuuji@51: See the help of `tabular' for detailed description. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: tabular yuuji@51: \begin{tabular}[OPT]{PREAMBLE} C1 & C2 & .. & Cn \\ D1 ... \end{tabular} yuuji@51: Make tabular. yuuji@51: [[OPT]] yuuji@51: [t] Align the top of tabular to the line. yuuji@51: [b] Align the bottom of tabular to the line. yuuji@51: [[PREAMBLE]] yuuji@51: l,r,c : indicate where entry is to be placed. yuuji@51: | : for vertical rule yuuji@51: @{EXP} : inserts the text EXP in every column. \arraycolsep or \tabcolsep yuuji@51: spacing is suppressed. yuuji@51: *{N}{PRE} : equivalent to writing N copies of PRE in the preamble. PRE yuuji@51: may contain *{N'}{EXP'} expressions. yuuji@68: p{LEN} : makes entry in parbox of width LEN. This is useful when yuuji@68: each column contains long sentences. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: [[Usable commands in array, tabular environment]] yuuji@51: \multicolumn yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \vline yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \hline yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \cline{i-j} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \extracolsep{W} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@68: See below as an example. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \LaTeX Expression Printed image yuuji@51: \begin{array}{ccr} yuuji@51: x+y+z & a_1 & 1 \\ x+y+z a1 1 yuuji@51: x+z & a_2 & 21 \\ x+z a2 21 yuuji@51: y & a_3 & 321 y a3 321 yuuji@51: \end{array} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \[ \left( yuuji@51: \begin{array}{cccc} yuuji@51: a_{11} & a_{12} & \dots & a_{1n} \\ / a11 a12 ... a1n \ yuuji@51: a_{21} & a_{22} & \dots & a_{2n} \\ | a21 a22 ... a2n | yuuji@51: \vdots & \vdots & \ddots& \vdots \\ | : : \. : | yuuji@51: a_{n1} & a_{n2} & \dots & a_{nn} \ an1 an2 ..: ann / yuuji@51: \end{array} yuuji@51: \right)\] yuuji@51: yuuji@68: \begin{tabular}{lp{0.7\textwidth} yuuji@68: \hline ---------------------------- yuuji@68: \verb|.| & Period matches with . Period matches with any yuuji@68: any single character.\\ single character. yuuji@68: \verb|*| & Asterisk matches with * Asterisk matches with 0 yuuji@68: 0 or more repetition or more repetition of yuuji@68: of preceding regexp. preceding regexp. yuuji@68: \\ \hline ---------------------------- yuuji@68: \end{tabular} yuuji@68: yuuji@68: (End of example) yuuji@68: yuuji@51: \right(, \left) or \right{, left} or \right[, \left] or \right|, \left| yuuji@51: can enclose whole of array environment by parentheses, braces, brackets, yuuji@51: norm respectively. The number of `\right's and `\left's should be the yuuji@51: same, but the type of parentheses don't have to match like yuuji@51: \right( \left]. `\right.' produces the invisible parenthesis. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \[ Ans. \cdots \left\{ / yuuji@51: \begin{array}{ccc} | x = 5 yuuji@51: x & = & 5 \\ Ans. ...< yuuji@51: y & = & 3 | y = 3 yuuji@51: \end{array} \right. \] \ yuuji@51: yuuji@51: Here are the style parameters for the tabular environment. yuuji@51: \arraycolsep : half the width separating columns in an array environment yuuji@51: \tabcolsep : half the width separating columns in a tabular environment yuuji@51: \arrayrulewidth : width of rules yuuji@51: \doublerulesep : space between adjacent rules in array or tabular yuuji@51: \arraystretch : line spacing in array and tabular environments is done by yuuji@51: placing a strut in every row of height and depth yuuji@51: \arraystretch times the height and depth of the strut yuuji@54: produced by an ordinary \strut command. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: Tabular environment cannot spread across pages. `supertabular.sty' yuuji@54: allows this. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: tabular* yuuji@52: \begin{tabular*}{WIDTH}{PREAMBLE} ... \end{tabular*} yuuji@51: Make tabular environment with specifying its width. yuuji@51: To fill this width, use \extracolsep{} of preamble as below: yuuji@51: \begin{tabular*}{10em}[b]{|c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}|c|c|} yuuji@51: \hline yuuji@51: a & b & c \\ \hline yuuji@51: 1 & 2 & 3 yuuji@51: \end{tabular*} yuuji@51: See also tabular. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: multicolumn yuuji@51: \multicolumn{N}{FORMAT}{ITEM} yuuji@51: In tabular environment, yuuji@51: replaces the next N column items by yuuji@51: ITEM, formatted according to FORMAT. FORMAT should contain at most yuuji@51: one l,r or c. If it contains none, then ITEM is ignored. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: vline yuuji@51: \vline yuuji@51: In tabular environment, yuuji@51: draws a vertical line the height of the current row. May yuuji@51: appear in an array element entry. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: hline yuuji@51: \hline yuuji@51: In tabular environment draws a horizontal line between rows. Must yuuji@51: appear either before the first entry (to appear above the first row) or yuuji@51: right after a \\ command. If followed by another \hline, then adds a yuuji@51: \vskip of \doublerulesep. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: cline yuuji@51: \cline{i-j} yuuji@51: In tabular environment, yuuji@51: draws horizontal lines between rows covering columns yuuji@51: i through j, inclusive. Multiple commands may follow yuuji@51: one another to provide lines covering several disjoint yuuji@51: columns yuuji@51: yuuji@51: extracolsep yuuji@51: \extracolsep{W} yuuji@51: for use inside an @ in the preamble. Causes a WIDTH yuuji@51: space to be added between columns for the rest of the yuuji@51: columns. This is in addition to the ordinary intercolumn yuuji@51: space. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: picture yuuji@51: \begin{picture}(WIDTH,HEIGHT)(X,Y) ..contents.. \end{picture} yuuji@51: The picture environment allows you to create just about any kind of yuuji@51: picture you want containing text, lines, arrows and circles. You tell yuuji@51: LaTeX where to put things in the picture by specifying their yuuji@51: coordinates. A coordinate is a number that may have a decimal point yuuji@51: and a minus sign - a number like 5, 2.3 or -3.1416. A coordinate yuuji@51: specifies a length in multiples of the unit length \unitlength, so if yuuji@51: \unitlength has been set to 1cm, then the coordinate 2.54 specifies a yuuji@51: length of 2.54 centimeters. You can change the value of \unitlength yuuji@51: anywhere you want, using the \setlength command, but strange things yuuji@51: will happen if you try changing it inside the picture environment. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: A position is a pair of coordinates, such as (2.4,-5), specifying the yuuji@51: point with x-coordinate 2.4 and y-coordinate -5. Coordinates are yuuji@51: specified in the usual way with respect to an origin, which is yuuji@51: normally at the lower-left corner of the picture. Note that when a yuuji@51: position appears as an argument, it is not enclosed in braces; the yuuji@51: parentheses serve to delimit the argument. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: The picture environment has one mandatory argument, which is a yuuji@51: position. It specifies the size of the picture. The environment yuuji@51: produces a rectangular box with width and height determined by this yuuji@51: argument's x- and y-coordinates. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: The picture environment also has an optional position argument, yuuji@51: following the size argument, that can change the origin. (Unlike yuuji@51: ordinary optional arguments, this argument is not contained in square yuuji@51: brackets.) The optional argument gives the coordinates of the point at yuuji@51: the lower-left corner of the picture (thereby determining the origin). yuuji@51: For example, if \unitlength has been set to 1mm, the command yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \begin{picture}(100,200)(10,20) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: produces a picture of width 100 millimeters and height 200 yuuji@51: millimeters, whose lower-left corner is the point (10,20) and whose yuuji@51: upper-right corner is therefore the point (110,220). When you first yuuji@51: draw a picture, you will omit the optional argument, leaving the yuuji@51: origin at the lower-left corner. If you then want to modify your yuuji@51: picture by shifting everything, you just add the appropriate optional yuuji@51: argument. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: The environment's mandatory argument determines the nominal size of yuuji@51: the picture. This need bear no relation to how large the picture yuuji@51: really is; LaTeX will happily allow you to put things outside the yuuji@51: picture, or even off the page. The picture's nominal size is used by yuuji@51: TeX in determining how much room to leave for it. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: Everything that appears in a picture is drawn by the \put command. The yuuji@51: command yuuji@51: yuuji@51: \put (11.3,-.3){...} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: puts the object specified by "..." in the picture, with its reference yuuji@51: point at coordinates (11.3,-.3). The reference points for various yuuji@51: objects will be described below. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: The \put command creates an LR box. You can put anything in the text yuuji@51: argument of the \put command that you'd put into the argument of an yuuji@51: \mbox and related commands. When you do this, the reference point yuuji@51: will be the lower left corner of the box. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: Picture environment is obsolete I thinks, so show only commands. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: [[COMMANDS]] yuuji@51: \put(X,Y){OBJECT} yuuji@51: \multiput(X,Y)(dX,dY){REPEAT}{OBJECT} yuuji@51: [[OBJECTS]] yuuji@51: \makebox(X,Y)[POS]{TEXT} yuuji@51: \framebox(X,Y)[POS]{TEXT} yuuji@51: \dashbox(X,Y)[POS]{TEXT} yuuji@51: (POS = l, r, b, t) yuuji@51: \line(dX,dY){HorizontalLength} yuuji@51: \vector(dX,dY){HorizontalLength} (arrow) yuuji@51: (dX,dY = +-1, +-2, ..., +-6) yuuji@51: \shortstack[POS]{FIRST\\SECOND\\THIRD...} yuuji@51: \circle{DIAMETER} yuuji@51: \circle*{DIAMETER} (Filled circle) yuuji@51: (Maximum diameters are 40pt, 15pt) yuuji@51: \oval(Dia-X,DiaY)[POS] (Oval POS = l, r, t, b) yuuji@51: \frame{OBJECT} yuuji@51: \thinlines, \thicklines (choose line thickness) yuuji@51: \linethickness{THICKNESS} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: newtheorem yuuji@51: \newtheorem{NAME}{TEXT}[COUNTER] \newtheorem{NAME}[OLDNAME]{TEXT} yuuji@51: This defines the environment NAME to be just as one would expect a yuuji@51: theorem environment to be, except that it prints ``TEXT'' instead of yuuji@51: ``Theorem''. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: If OLDNAME is given, then environments NAME and OLDNAME use the same yuuji@51: counter, so using a NAME environment advances the number of the next yuuji@51: NAME environment, and vice-versa. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: If COUNTER is given, then environment NAME is numbered within COUNTER. yuuji@51: E.g., if COUNTER = subsection, then the first NAME in subsection 7.2 yuuji@51: is numbered TEXT 7.2.1. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: The way NAME environments are numbered can be changed by redefining yuuji@51: \theNAME. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: title yuuji@51: \title{TITLE} yuuji@51: Define the title of the document. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: author yuuji@51: \author{AUTHOR} yuuji@51: Declare the author of the document. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: date yuuji@51: \date{DATE} yuuji@51: Define the date of document which is used by \maketitle. yuuji@51: Omitting DATE produces current date. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: thanks yuuji@51: \thanks{FOOTNOTE} yuuji@51: Output a footnote in title page. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: maketitle yuuji@51: \maketitle yuuji@51: Output a title. Should be written in document environment. yuuji@51: Here are the constituents of title page. yuuji@51: \title{TITLE} yuuji@51: \author{AUTHOR} yuuji@51: \date{DATE} (If DATE omitted, output the date of typesetting) yuuji@51: \thanks{NOTE} (Output a thanks message or the post of the author) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: part yuuji@51: \part{TITLE} yuuji@51: Start a new part whose title is TITLE. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: chapter yuuji@51: \chapter{TITLE} yuuji@51: Start a chapter whose title is TITLE. yuuji@51: Sectioning commands: yuuji@51: \part Part ? yuuji@51: \chapter Chapter ? (not available in `article.sty') yuuji@51: \section ? yuuji@51: \subsection ?.? yuuji@51: \subsubsection ?.?.? yuuji@51: \paragraph *** yuuji@51: \subparagraph === yuuji@51: yuuji@51: section yuuji@51: \section{TITLE} yuuji@51: Start a section whose title is TITLE. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: subsection yuuji@51: \subsection{TITLE} yuuji@51: Start a subsection whose title is TITLE. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: subsubsection yuuji@51: \subsubsection{TITLE} yuuji@51: Start a paragraph whose title is TITLE. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: paragraph yuuji@51: \paragraph{TITLE} yuuji@51: Start a paragraph whose title is TITLE. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: appendix yuuji@51: \appendix yuuji@51: Declare the beginning of appendix. yuuji@51: Change the numbering fashion to appendix oriented. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: contentsline yuuji@51: \contentsline{TYPE}{ENTRY}{PAGE} yuuji@51: \contentsline{subsection}{\makebox{30pt}[r]{1.4.3} Gnats and Gnus}{22} yuuji@51: Macro to produce a TYPE entry in a table of contents, etc. yuuji@51: It will appear in the .TOC or other file. For example, yuuji@51: The entry for subsection 1.4.3 in the table of contents might yuuji@51: be produced by: yuuji@51: \contentsline{subsection}{\makebox{30pt}[r]{1.4.3} Gnats and Gnus}{22} yuuji@51: The \protect command causes command sequences to be written yuuji@51: without expanding them. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: addcontentsline yuuji@51: \addcontentsline{TABLE}{TYPE}{ENTRY} yuuji@51: User command for adding his own entry to a table of contents, etc. yuuji@51: It adds the entry yuuji@51: \contentsline{TYPE}{ENTRY}{page} yuuji@51: to the .TABLE file. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: addtocontents yuuji@51: \addtocontents{TABLE}{TEXT} yuuji@51: Adds TEXT to the .TABLE file, with no page number. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: index yuuji@51: \index{INDEX} yuuji@51: Create an entry of index. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: glossary yuuji@51: \glossary{STRING} yuuji@51: Create an entry of glossary. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: makeindex yuuji@51: \makeindex yuuji@51: Writes \indexentry to .idx file. yuuji@51: Should be in preamble. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: makeglossary yuuji@51: \makeglossary yuuji@51: Writes \glossaryentry to .glo file. yuuji@51: Should be in preamble. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: bibliography yuuji@51: \bibliography{FILE1,FILE2, ... ,FILEn} yuuji@51: Specifies the bibdata files. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: bibliographystyle yuuji@51: \bibliographystyle{STYLE} yuuji@51: Style of numbering of bibliographies. yuuji@54: plain normal yuuji@54: unsrt without sorting yuuji@51: alpha gives tag like "Foo94" yuuji@51: abbrv omit the first name of author, publishing month, book title yuuji@51: yuuji@51: thebibliography yuuji@77: \begin{thebibliography}{LONGEST-LABEL} \bibitem{ITEM},... \end{thebibliography} yuuji@51: The thebibliography environment is a list environment. To save the yuuji@51: use of an extra counter, it should use enumiv as the item counter. yuuji@51: Instead of using \item, items in the bibliography are produced by the yuuji@51: \bibitem command. yuuji@77: LONGEST-LABEL is a dummy string to notify the maximum width of label. yuuji@51: --- yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: bibitem yuuji@51: \bibitem{NAME} \bibitem[LABEL]{NAME} yuuji@51: Produces a numbered (as [1], [2],...) entry cited as NAME. yuuji@51: Second form produces an entry labeled by LABEL and cited as NAME. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: thefootnote yuuji@51: In usual LaTeX style, produces the footnote number. yuuji@51: If footnotes are to be numbered within pages, then the yuuji@51: document style file must include an \@addtoreset command yuuji@51: to cause the footnote counter to be reset when the page yuuji@51: counter is stepped. This is not a good idea, though, yuuji@51: because the counter will not always be reset in time yuuji@51: to ensure that the first footnote on a page is footnote yuuji@51: number one. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: footnote yuuji@51: \footnote{NOTE} or \footnote[NUM]{NOTE} yuuji@51: User command to insert a footnote. yuuji@51: In second form, insert a footnote numbered yuuji@51: NUM, where NUM is a number -- 1, 2, yuuji@51: etc. For example, if footnotes are numbered yuuji@51: *, **, etc. within pages, then \footnote[2]{...} yuuji@51: produces footnote '**'. This command does not yuuji@51: step the footnote counter. yuuji@86: yuuji@86: If you want footnote number as marks, define as follows in preamble; yuuji@86: \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}} yuuji@86: yuuji@86: The next definition produces dagger marks followed by sequential number. yuuji@86: \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{$\dagger$\arabic{footnote}} yuuji@51: (fragile) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: footnotemark yuuji@51: \footnotemark[NUM] yuuji@51: Command to produce just the footnote mark in yuuji@51: the text, but no footnote. With no argument, yuuji@51: it steps the footnote counter before generating yuuji@51: the mark. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: footnotetext yuuji@51: \footnotetext[NUM]{TEXT} yuuji@51: Command to produce the footnote but no mark. yuuji@51: \footnote is equivalent to \footnotemark \footnotetext . yuuji@51: yuuji@51: footnotesize yuuji@51: {\footnotesize ...} yuuji@51: Size-changing command for footnotes. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: footnotesep yuuji@51: \footnotesep yuuji@51: The height of a strut placed at the beginning of every footnote. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: footnoterule yuuji@51: \footnoterule yuuji@51: Macro to draw the rule separating footnotes from text. yuuji@51: It is executed right after a \vspace of \skip\footins. yuuji@51: It should take zero vertical space--i.e., it should to yuuji@51: a negative skip to compensate for any positive space yuuji@51: it occupies. (See PLAIN.TEX.) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: documentstyle yuuji@51: \documentstyle[OPTION1,OPTION2, ... ,OPTIONn]{STYLE} yuuji@80: The user starts one's file with the command as above yuuji@80: which loads the OPTION's respectively and \input's the file STYLE.sty. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: documentclass yuuji@80: \documentclass[OPTION1,OPTION2, ... ,OPTIONn]{STYLE} yuuji@80: In LaTeX2e, user starts one's file with the command as above yuuji@80: which loads the OPTION's respectively and \input's the file STYLE.cls. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: usepackage yuuji@80: \usepackage[OPTIONS]{PACKAGE} yuuji@80: Use additional package `PACKAGE' with option `OPTION'. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: verb yuuji@51: \verb#CONTENTS# yuuji@51: The command \verb produces in-line verbatim text, where the argument yuuji@51: is delimited by any pair of characters. E.g., \verb #...# takes yuuji@51: '...' as its argument, and sets it verbatim in \tt font. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: The *-variants of these commands is the same, except that spaces yuuji@51: print as the TeXbook's space character instead of as blank spaces. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: styleparameter yuuji@51: yuuji@51: topfigrule yuuji@51: \topfigrule yuuji@51: Command to place rule (or whatever) between floats yuuji@51: at top of page and text. Executed in inner vertical yuuji@51: mode right before the \textfloatsep skip separating yuuji@51: the floats from the text. Must occupy zero vertical yuuji@51: space. (See \footnoterule.) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: botfigrule yuuji@51: \setlength{\botfigrule}{LENGTH} yuuji@51: Same as \topfigrule, but put after the \textfloatsep yuuji@51: skip separating text from the floats at bottom of page. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: intextsep yuuji@51: \setlength{\intextsep}{LENGTH} yuuji@51: Space left on top and bottom of an in-text float. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: newpage yuuji@51: \newpage yuuji@51: Advance to a new page. yuuji@51: \clearpage Output the unfinished table of images, if any, yuuji@51: and clear page. yuuji@51: \cleardoublepage Same as \clearpage except that when spread style yuuji@51: (such as book), start a new page with odd page. yuuji@51: \newpage Finish current column when twocolumn. yuuji@51: yuuji@51: clearpage yuuji@51: \clearpage yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: cleardoublepage yuuji@51: \cleardoublepage yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: length yuuji@51: yuuji@51: Here are the available units of length in TeX. yuuji@51: cm centi meter yuuji@51: em width of `M' yuuji@51: ex height of `x' yuuji@51: in inch (=2.54cm) yuuji@51: mm mi.li meter yuuji@51: pc pica(=12pt) yuuji@51: pt point (72.27pt=1 inch) yuuji@51: \fill Freely extendable length whose normal length is 0 yuuji@51: \stretch{X} X-times as long as \fill yuuji@51: yuuji@51: stretch yuuji@51: \stretch{X} yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: twocolumn yuuji@51: \twocolumn[STRING] yuuji@51: Clear page and start two-column typesetting. yuuji@51: Optional argument [STRING] specifies the page-acrossing title. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: If you want to output one-column title page with two-column body, yuuji@80: describe like this; yuuji@80: \twocolumn[ yuuji@80: \begin{titlepage} yuuji@80: {\LARGE YourTitle} yuuji@80: \vspace*{1em} yuuji@80: \begin{abstract} Your Abstract blah blah... \end{abstract} yuuji@80: \end{titlepage} yuuji@80: ] yuuji@80: yuuji@51: ->onecolumn yuuji@51: yuuji@51: onecolumn yuuji@51: \onecolumn yuuji@51: Clear page and start one-column typesetting. yuuji@51: ->twocolumn yuuji@51: yuuji@51: topnewpage yuuji@51: \topnewpage{BOX} yuuji@51: Begin a new page and create the parbox-ed BOX whose width is \textwidth. yuuji@51: This is useful to make a page-acrossing title in a twocolumn page. yuuji@51: yuuji@79: breakbox yuuji@79: \begin{breakbox} ... \end{breakbox} yuuji@79: Make a surrounding frame extended across pages. yuuji@79: Useful for cite a long program list. yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{eclbkbox}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: verbfile yuuji@79: \verbfile{FILE} yuuji@79: Include a FILE in verbatim format. yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{misc}' yuuji@79: See also \listing yuuji@79: yuuji@79: listing yuuji@79: \listing{FILE} yuuji@79: Include a FILE in verbatim format with line number. yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{misc}' yuuji@79: See also \verbfile yuuji@79: yuuji@79: ascmac yuuji@79: \usepackage{ascmac} yuuji@79: The `ascmac' package provides yuuji@79: * \boxnote environment notebook-like box yuuji@79: * \screen environment corner-rounded box suitable for screen output yuuji@79: * \itembox environment itemizing box yuuji@79: * \shadebox environment shaded box yuuji@79: * \keytop macro keytop yuuji@79: * \yen Yen mark yuuji@79: * \return-key yuuji@79: * \mask, \maskbox yuuji@79: yuuji@79: boxnote yuuji@79: \begin{boxnote} ... \end{boxnote} yuuji@79: Enclose with notebook-like square. yuuji@79: Defined in ascmac.sty. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: screen yuuji@79: \begin{screen} ... \end{screen} yuuji@79: Enclose with corner-rounded square which stands for screen output. yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: itembox yuuji@79: \begin{itembox}{ITEMSTRING} ... \end{itembox} yuuji@79: Enclose box with ITEMSTRING header. yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: shadebox yuuji@79: \begin{shadebox} ... \end{shadebox} yuuji@79: Enclose shaded box. yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: keytop yuuji@79: \keytop{KEY} yuuji@79: Output a keytop designed character. yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: mask yuuji@79: \mask{STRING}{MASKTYPE} yuuji@79: Make a masked STRING. MASKTYPE is one of character A through K. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: eg.) \mask{This is a pen!}{C} yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Mask types are viewed at yuuji@79: http://www.yatex.org/help/ascmac-mask.jpg yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Defined in `\usepackage{ascmac}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: maskbox yuuji@79: \maskbox{WIDTH}{HEIGHT}{MASKTYPE}{POS}{STRING} yuuji@79: Make a masked box of WIDTH x HEIGHT which contains STRING located in POS. yuuji@79: Masking type MASKTYPE is one of character A through K. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: eg.) \maskbox{5cm}{2.5em}{G}{c}{Year!} yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Mask types are viewed at yuuji@79: http://www.yatex.org/help/ascmac-mask.jpg yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{ascmac}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: alltt yuuji@79: \begin{alltt} ... \end{alltt} yuuji@79: An environment like verbatim except in which TeX macro can be used. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: comment yuuji@79: \begin{comment} ... \end{comment} yuuji@79: Comment out enclosed environment. yuuji@79: But if \includeversion{comment} appears, enclosed part activated. yuuji@79: Putting \excludeversion{ENV} defines new environment ENV which yuuji@79: works equivalently to comment environment. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{version}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: bou yuuji@79: \bou{STRING} yuuji@79: Put the emphasizing dot on each characters in STRING. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{plext}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: url yuuji@79: \url{URL_STRING} yuuji@79: Put URL string with reasonable folding. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{url}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: longtable yuuji@79: \begin{longtable}{POSSTRING} ... \end{longtable} yuuji@79: Same as table, but can be spreaded across pages. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Requires `\usepackage{longtable}' yuuji@79: yuuji@79: fancybox yuuji@79: \usepackage{fancybox} yuuji@79: Provides some fancy boxes. yuuji@79: * \shadowbox{} yuuji@79: * \ovalbox{} yuuji@79: * \doublebox{} yuuji@79: yuuji@79: shadowbox yuuji@79: \shadowbox{STRING} yuuji@79: Surround a STRING by shadow box. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Require `\usepackage{fancybox}` yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: ovalbox yuuji@79: \ovalbox{STRING} yuuji@79: Surround a STRING by oval box yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Require `\usepackage{fancybox}` yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Ovalbox yuuji@79: \Ovalbox{STRING} yuuji@79: Surround a STRING by thick oval box. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Require `\usepackage{fancybox}` yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: doublebox yuuji@79: \doublebox{STRING} yuuji@79: Surround a STRING by double frame. yuuji@79: yuuji@79: Require `\usepackage{fancybox}` yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@79: yuuji@80: quote yuuji@80: \begin{quote} ... \end{quote} yuuji@80: quotation without paragraph yuuji@79: yuuji@80: quotation yuuji@80: \begin{quotation} ... \end{quotation} yuuji@80: quoted environment which might contains paragraphs yuuji@80: yuuji@80: textcircled yuuji@80: \textcircled{CHAR} yuuji@80: Enclose `char' with small circle. Because this circle is as large as one yuuji@80: character, you had better encolose `CHAR' with {\small ...}, {\tiny ...}, yuuji@80: {\scriptsize ...}. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: hfill yuuji@80: \hfill yuuji@80: Insert a space as wide as possible. Same as \hspace{\fill}. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: foo\hfill bar yuuji@80: produces; yuuji@80: foo bar yuuji@80: yuuji@80: foo\hfill bar\hfill baz yuuji@80: produces; yuuji@80: foo bar baz yuuji@80: yuuji@80: \hfill can't produce space at the beginning of the line because \hfill yuuji@80: is a kind of \hspace{}. If you make right-justified world in a line, yuuji@80: write \hspace*{\fill}. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: hfil yuuji@80: \hfil yuuji@80: Same as \hfill, but little bit weak. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: vfill yuuji@80: \vfill yuuji@80: Make vertical space in utmost length , the same as \vspace{\fill}. yuuji@80: cf. \hfill yuuji@80: yuuji@80: hrulefill yuuji@80: \hrulefill yuuji@80: Draw underline in utmost length. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: backslashbox yuuji@80: \usepackage{slashbox} \backslashbox{A}{B} yuuji@80: Draw a back-slash in a column of tabular. yuuji@80: \begin{tabular} yuuji@80: \hline yuuji@80: \backslashbox{A}{B} & hoge \\ \hline yuuji@80: \end{tabular} yuuji@80: yuuji@80: +----+--------+ yuuji@80: | \ B| | yuuji@80: | A\ | hoge | yuuji@80: +----+--------+ yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: slashbox yuuji@80: \slashbox{A}{B} yuuji@80: Draw long slash line in a column of tabular. yuuji@80: See also backslashbox. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: ooalign yuuji@80: {\ooalign{String1\crcr String2...} yuuji@80: Set line spacing to zero and shift to double-strike mode. yuuji@80: This can be used for generating circled character. yuuji@80: Look this; yuuji@80: yuuji@80: \newcommand{\maru}[1]{{\ooalign {\hfill$\scriptstyle#1$\hfill\crcr$\bigcirc$}}} yuuji@80: yuuji@80: \crcr is the equivalent of \\ for tabulars. yuuji@80: Note that \ooalign change the spacing parameters. So you should enclose yuuji@80: \ooalign itself with { }. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: maru yuuji@80: \maru{R} yuuji@80: Circle one character. yuuji@80: Declare the \newcommand as below; yuuji@80: \newcommand{\maru}[1]{{\ooalign {\hfill$\scriptstyle#1$\hfill\crcr$\bigcirc$}}} yuuji@80: yuuji@80: today yuuji@80: \date{\today} yuuji@80: Use this as the argument of \date{}. yuuji@80: Set the document's date in title to today. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: NamedColor yuuji@80: \textcolor[named]{COLOR}{TEXT}, for example. yuuji@80: With `\usepackage{color}', you can use colors listed below. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: GreenYellow Yellow Goldenrod Dandelion Apricot Peach Melon YellowOrange yuuji@80: Orange BurntOrange Bittersweet RedOrange Mahogany Maroon BrickRed Red yuuji@80: OrangeRed RubineRed WildStrawberry Salmon CarnationPink Magenta yuuji@80: VioletRed Rhodamine Mulberry RedViolet Fuchsia Lavender Thistle yuuji@80: OrchidDarkOrchid Purple Plum Violet RoyalPurple BlueViolet Periwinkle yuuji@80: CadetBlue CornflowerBlue MidnightBlue NavyBlue RoyalBlue Blue Cerulean yuuji@80: Cyan ProcessBlue SkyBlue Turquoise TealBlue Aquamarine BlueGreen Emerald yuuji@80: JungleGreen SeaGreen Green ForestGreen PineGreen LimeGreen YellowGreen yuuji@80: SpringGreen OliveGreen RawSienna Sepia Brown Tan Gray Black White) yuuji@80: yuuji@80: See also http://www.yatex.org/help/color.tex yuuji@80: yuuji@80: textcolor yuuji@80: \textcolor{COLOR}{TEXT} yuuji@80: Put the TEXT colored with COLOR. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: pagecolor yuuji@80: \pagecolor{COLOR} yuuji@80: Set background color of the page to COLOR. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: color yuuji@80: \color{COLOR} yuuji@80: Set text color of the page to COLOR. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: colorbox yuuji@80: \colorbox{COLOR}{TEXT} yuuji@80: Put TEXT in the box whose background color is COLRO. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: fcolorbox yuuji@80: \fcolorbox{FCOLOR}{BGCOLOR}{TEXT} yuuji@80: Put text int the box whose frame color is FCOLOR and background BGCOLOR. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: rotatebox yuuji@80: \rotatebox{ANGLE}{TEXT} yuuji@80: Put TEXT with rotated by ANGLE-degrees, unclockwise. yuuji@80: Require `\usepackage{graphicx}'. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: resizebox yuuji@80: \resizebox{WIDTH}{HEIGHT}{TEXT} yuuji@80: Put TEXT enlarging/shrinking to WIDTH and HEIGHT. yuuji@80: You can omit either of WIDHT or HEIGHT. In that case, specify `!'. yuuji@80: \resizebox{!}{40mm}{TEXT} outputs TEXT with 40mm in height. yuuji@80: Require `\usepackage{graphicx}'. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: scalebox yuuji@80: \scalebox{MAG}[V-MAG]{TEXT} yuuji@80: Put TEXT maginifiyng by MAG. V-MAG for vertical magnification factor is yuuji@80: optional. Negative values for magnification factor flip the TEXT yuuji@80: in that direction. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: Require `\usepackage{graphicx}'. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: reflectbox yuuji@80: \reflectbox{TEXT} yuuji@80: Flip TEXT horizontally. yuuji@80: Equivalent to \scalebox{-1}[1]{TEXT}. yuuji@80: Require `\usepackage{graphicx}'. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: ulem yuuji@80: \usepackage{ulem} yuuji@80: \usepackage{ulem} yuuji@80: The `ulem' package provides macros listed below. yuuji@80: \uline{Underlined Text} yuuji@80: \uwave{Waved-Unlderlined Text} yuuji@80: \uuline{Double Underlined Text} yuuji@80: yuuji@80: (Information by TSUCHIYA Masatoshi ) yuuji@80: uline yuuji@80: \uline{TEXT} yuuji@80: Put TEXT with underline. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: uwave yuuji@80: \uwave{TEXT} yuuji@80: Put TEXT with waved underline. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: uuline yuuji@80: \uuline{TEXT} yuuji@80: Put TEXT with double underline. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: yuuji@80: showkeys.sty yuuji@80: \usepackage[options]{showkeys} yuuji@80: In margin area, output `(?)' marks for unlabeled math-expressions, yuuji@80: `?label?' marks for unreferred labels. yuuji@80: Optional arguments are one of; yuuji@80: showrefs, norefs, showcites, nocites, msgs, nomsgs, chkunlbld, yuuji@80: ignoreunlbld. yuuji@80: msgs/nomsgs specifies whether output messages in *.log file or not. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: `\usepackage{showkeys}' should be located before the declaration yuuji@80: for AMS-LaTeX or HyperRef, if any. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: Another style `refcheck.sty' can also output labeling information yuuji@80: including `\ref{***}' macros themselves. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: (Information by Masaki Shigemori ) yuuji@80: yuuji@80: table* yuuji@80: \begin{table*} ... \end{table*} yuuji@80: Put tabular in one column at the top of page even if in twocolumn mode. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: figure* yuuji@80: \begin{figure*} ... \end{figure*} yuuji@80: Put figure in one column at the top of page even if in twocolumn mode. yuuji@80: If you put figure bottom of page instead of top, use nidanfloat.sty yuuji@80: instead. yuuji@80: \begin{figure*}[b] yuuji@80: \includegraphics{blahblahblah} yuuji@80: \caption{foo bar baz} yuuji@80: \end{figure*} yuuji@80: yuuji@80: includegraphics yuuji@80: \usepackage{graphicx} ... \includegraphics[Options]{graphicfile.eps} yuuji@80: Include graphics。Requires `graphicx' package. yuuji@80: Possible [Options] are as follows. yuuji@80: scale=X yuuji@80: width=W yuuji@80: height=H yuuji@80: draft (Frame only) yuuji@80: angle=R yuuji@80: origin=RotationOrigin (One of `c', `tl', `tr', `bl' or `br') yuuji@80: bb=llx lly urx ury (Specify BoundingBox) yuuji@80: viewport=llx lly urx ury (Rerative to BoundingBox) yuuji@80: trim=left bottom right top yuuji@80: yuuji@80: abstract yuuji@80: \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract} yuuji@80: Output abstract yuuji@80: yuuji@80: \langle yuuji@80: $\langle$ yuuji@80: yuuji@80: `<' in math-modes. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: \langle yuuji@80: $rlangle$ yuuji@80: yuuji@80: `>' in math-modes. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: \slash yuuji@80: \slash yuuji@80: slash(/) itself. yuuji@80: yuuji@80: \textbackslash yuuji@80: \textbackslash yuuji@80: backslash(\) itself. yuuji@79: yuuji@51: YaTeX yuuji@51: (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.tex$" . yatex-mode) auto-mode-alist)) yuuji@54: The mode you are probably using now. yuuji@54: Bells and whistles for using LaTeX at a breeze. yuuji@51: yuuji@54: [pronunciation] yuuji@54: ``ya-tek'' for programs as yatex.el, ``ya-cho'' when referring to the yuuji@54: whole system. ``ya-cho'' in Japanese stands for ``wild bird'' yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yuuji@51: yatex yuuji@54: (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.tex$" . yatex-mode) auto-mode-alist)) yuuji@51: yuuji@51: