view APOPtools/index.html @ 15:d012b9a282d9 draft default tip

READMEs changed
author HIROSE Yuuji <>
date Sun, 07 May 2023 13:13:36 +0900
parents 28a55bc1110c
children d741b3ecc917
line wrap: on
line source

APOP Password
<style type="text/css">
.e {color: red; text-decoretion: underline;}

<body bgcolor="azure">
<form method=POST action="./apopcall.cgi">
<table border="1">
<tr><td>$B%a%$%k%"%I%l%9(B:<br>User Name:</td>
 <td><input name="email" size="40" maxlength="40"></td></tr>
<input name="OK" type="submit" value="OK">
<input name="OK" type="reset" value="Clear">
 <li> $B=i$a$FMxMQ$9$k>l9g(B
 <li> $B3HD%%a%$%k%"%I%l%9$N;XDj(B
      <p>$B4pK\%a%$%k%"%I%l%9$N%f!<%6L>$N8e$m$K(B<span class="e">-$B3HD%;R(B
      </span> ($B%O%$%U%s(B+$B3HD%;R(B)$B$r2C$($?%"%I%l%9$,3HD%%a%$%k%"%I%l%9$K$J(B
      $B4pK\%"%I%l%9(B :<br>
      $B3HD%%"%I%l%9(B :<br>
      ($B$3$N>l9g$N3HD%;R$O(B foo)
<p>$B!Z(B<a href="qmapmore.html">
 <li> At your first trial to set mail password
      <p>Push [OK] button with your mail address.  We call your
      mail address <em>YourName</em> as `basic email address'.<p>

 <li> To create extensional email address<br>

      <p>On our system, you can have more than one email addresses.  You
      can create any (mail)account name "YourName-xxx"(where xxx is
      any extensional word you might give) which will be delivered to you.  To
      create an extesional email address and/or change the password for
      it, put the extensional email address in the input window.</p>

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